Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D04 (Catamayo-Chira Basin, Ecuador and Peru). The data is based on the latest seasonal... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D03 (Tekeze-Atbara and Blue Nile Basins, Sudan and Ethiopia). The data is based on the... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D01 (Karun Basin, Iran). The data is based on the latest seasonal forecast product... -
Seasonal Water Resources Management for Semiarid Areas: Bias-corrected and sp...
This dataset group contains the regionalised seasonal forecasts for the SaWaM study domain D02 (Rio São Francisco, Brazil). The data is based on the latest seasonal forecast... -
MITJP-MSD: Large-ensemble 21st century monthly hydro-climatological forcing d...
We develop a self-consistent, large ensemble, high-resolution, bias-corrected global dataset of future climates for a set of four possible 21st century scenarios, which is...