3 datasets found

Keywords: social classes

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  • Slovene public opinion survey 2005/1:

    Raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem na problematiko stališč do dela....
  • Frisian students, 1380-1650

    This data set contains information on the students of the Frisian universities. The socio-economic and political developments in the period 1380-1650 are indicated in this data...
  • Social problems of seven Dutch towns, late 19th century

    This dataset contains information on seven Dutch towns: Amsterdam, Enschede, Haarlem, 's-Hertogenbosch, Leeuwarden, Leiden and Tilburg. Data on death rates, causes of death,...
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