Data and code for the article "Event-based wave statistics for the Baltic Sea...
This dataset gives information about modelled significant wave height events exceeding 2.5 m, 4 m and 7 m over the Baltic Sea. The maximum value of significant wave height of... -
Non-Directional Wave Buoy at 17 m Depth at USACE Field Research Facility 1980...
USACE / FRF has maintained wave buoys around the 17 m and/or 20 m depth contour since 1980. Over the years, we have used three different types of waverider buoys manufactured by... -
Non-Directional Wave Buoy at 20 m Depth at USACE Field Research Facility 1980...
USACE / FRF has maintained wave buoys around the 17 m and/or 20 m depth contour since 1980. Over the years, we have used three different types of waverider buoys manufactured by... -
MeteOcean wave climate and extremes statistics in the Mediterranean Sea: hind...
The dataset contains statistics for significant wave height (Hs), mean wave period (Tm), peak wave period (Tp) and mean wave direction (θm) for Hindcast (1979-2005) and a... -
MeteOcean 2D wave spectra statistics in the Mediterranean Sea: multi-model en...
The dataset contains statistics for bias-adjusted 2D wave spectra for a multi-model ensemble of 17 EURO-CORDEX GCM-RCMs projections for the following periods: Baseline... -
A global sea state dataset from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar wave mode...
This dataset consists of ocean wave integral parameters of significant wave height (SWH) and mean wave period (MWP) data derived from the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar...