This repository contains measurement data that are presented in the paper "Modified Dynamic Time Warping with a Reference Path for Alignment of Repeated Drive-Tests" Submitted... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, CSTAR sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock_Bathybot Aquadopp sensor (NetCDF fil...
EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BathyBot, Aquadopp sensor (Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) files from 2023-04-28). The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column... -
EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock, ADCP sensor (NetCDF files from 2023...
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files from...
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files 2021...
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2018-2019)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2016-2017)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2014-2015)
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
Investigation of Multiple-q states around the Quantum Critical Point of URu2S...
URu2Si2 has been examined intensively over the decades for the rich phase diagram including superconductivity, Hidden Order and multiple magnetic phases appearing around the... -
Spin waves in the single layer half doped manganite Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4
We propose to measure the spin wave dispersion and intensities throughout the Brillouin zone of the single layer half-doped manganite Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4, whose ground state has the... -
Oxidation of bilayer of labelled DPPC by aqueous hydroxyl radical elucidati...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric... -
muSR investigation to probe spin fluctuations in the ordered phase of (Nd1-xC...
From our current results of (Nd1-xCax)2Ir2O7, the internal field at 1.5 K increases with increasing the hole doping, the relaxation rate at 50 K increases with increasing the... -
Recovery and characterisation of high-pressure phases in the systems H2O ¿ NH...
The objective of this experiment is to characterise four particular high-pressure polymorphs of various hydrates discovered by us in recent years during work carried out using... -
Auger recombination in low temperature silicon measured by photo-MuSR technique
We measure electron-hole recombination rate in low-temperature pure silicon using the photo-MuSR technique. The previous works have measured the recombination rate down to -30... -
Partial freezing of a Kagome Magnet
Ever since the first published consideration of the ground state of a triangular lattice of Ising spins by PW Andersen in the 50's, the pursuit of materials with geometrically... -
Search for the magnetic photon in a candidate quantum spin ice
Recent theoretical analyses of quantum spin ice has revealed the present of a novel magnetic excitation whose quantum properties are analogous to photons. This mode is a... -
Autoxidation vs. Ozonolysis of Surfactant Mixtures Containing Poly-unsaturate...
Surface-active molecules with water-loving and water-hating parts have been found to contribute substantially to the man-made urban aerosol load originating from cooking... -
Quasielastic scattering in stuffed spin ices: defects or low lying singlets?
The subjects of this proposal, Ho2+xTi2-xO7-x/2, are brand new materials1 related to Ho2Ti2O7, a spin ice2,3. They have the remarkable property of remaining disordered at very...