Lucky Strike segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) - WHOI Towcam seafloor photomosaic ...
Colour seafloor photomosaics along towed camera tracks crossing the axis of the Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid Altantic Ridge). Images were acquired with the WHOI TowCam... -
Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at ~37.25°N) - OTUS Victo...
Black and white seafloor photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field and the ridge axis to the South, acquired with VICTOR6000 during the Bathyluck 2009. Individual still... -
Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at ~37.25°N) - seafloor p...
Black and white seafloor photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, acquired with VICTOR6000 during the MOMAR2008-Leg-1 cruise. Individual still images were matched,... -
EWAN hydrothermal site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of Lucky Strike): Seafloor p...
Partial safloor photomosaic acquired with VICTOR6000 during the Bathyluc Cruise. Imagery is from the early OTUS black-and-white camera in VICTOR. -
Torpedo boat wreck (Mediterranean, 43.124N;6.523E): Imagery and 3D model
Abstract Torpedo boat wreck off-the southern French Mediterranean coast (43.124°N;6.523°E), at a water depth of ~476 m. This battle ship sank in 1903... -
Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System: Drone seafloor photomosaics (July/Se...
Drone photomosaics of the seafloor at the shallow-water Milos hydrothermal system. Photomosaics were acquired with a Phantom and a Mavic Pro drone. Images were acquired in July... -
Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System: AUV seafloor photomosaics (July 2019...
AUV photomosaics of the seafloor at the shallow-water Milos hydrothermal system. Photomosaics were acquired with the Sparus II (Iqua, Girona) AUV and constructed from vertically...