The coupling of spin and charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
Charge density wave (CDW) order has recently been established as a generic feature of high-temperature cuprate superconductors. It occurs near 1/8 doping and has been observed... -
Magnetic Excitations in YbNiSn
YbNiSn is an Ising ferromagnet with non-colinear spins that undergoes a first order magnetic transition in low magnetic field (0.9 T). The transition is associated with strong... -
Neutron inelastic scattering of the possible quantum spin ice state of Nd2Zr2...
Nd2Zr2O7 is a new candidate for quantum spin ice proposed theoretically. It has a well-isolated dipolar-octupolar doublet with Ising anisotropy as the crystal field ground state... -
Detecting quantum critical fluctuations in the distorted kagome Kondo compoun...
Geometrically frustrated spin systems have been studied extensively for decades because of many intriguing phenomena, exemplified by the non-magnetic quantum disordered states.... -
Study of possible quantum chains in Nd2Zr2O7 in high [110] fields
Nd2Zr2O7 is a new candidate prominent to quantum spin ice proposed theoretically. It has a well-isolated dipolar-octupolar doublet with Ising anisotropy as the crystal field... -
Critical scattering and coupled order parameters in the ferromagnetic superco...
We propose to conduct a high resolution neutron inelastic scattering study of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe. Initial polarised results obtained at 4F1 (Saclay) are... -
Investigation of a frustrated quantum magnet with novel interaction scheme
SrCuTe2O6 consists of a 3-dimensional arrangement of spin-1/2 Cu ions that are coupled into network of isolated triangles,a highly frustrated hyperkagome lattice consisting of... -
One Dimensional Metal Chains on a Frustrated Triangular Lattice.
Nature abhors disorder and degeneracy at low temperature. Designing materials that confront this requirement can therefore lead to new states in which the degeneracy is lifted.... -
Spin excitations in CeCoSi under hydrostatic pressure
The meta-orbital transition is a new theoretical concept to explain the nature of quantum criticality in heavy-fermion systems. Such a transition can occur e.g. as function of... -
Fractionalized spin excitations in a triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid c...
The recently synthesised triangular-lattice rare-earth magnet KErSe2 crystallizes in the similar strucutre as the new quantum spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4 but with less stie... -
Lattice dynamics in the giant barocaloric Ammonium Sulfate
Given the challenges in providing efficient and non-harmful refrigeration, it is timely to study barocaloric systems, which offer cooling power via the application of pressure,... -
Evidence for long-range order in HoTbTi2O7
Evidence of long-range order has been observed in the diffuse neutron scattering data for a single crystal of HoTbTi2O7.A spin ice like pattern and pinch points coexist with the... -
Nearly ferromagnetic fluctuations in CeRhSi3? A high resolution study at lo...
The proposal requests time on OSIRIS to measure the low-energy magnetic fluctuations in CeRhSi3. This compound is a noncentrosymmetric superconductor under pressures of ~10... -
High energy dependence of countable spin excitations in CaFe2O4 using backsca...
Recent high resolution spectroscopy has found countable and discrete excitations in the two dimensional magnet CaFe2O4. This work aims to track these excitations to higher... -
In-gap excitons in CaFe2O4
The proposal requests time to measure the low-energy excitations in CaFe2O4 as a function of temperature. Previous experiments have observed a series of in-gap states at high... -
Full reciprocal space mapping of the relaxational dynamics in CH3NH3PbCl3:
The organic-inorganic perovskites with chemical formula CH3NH3PbB(Br,Cl,I)3 have been implicated as being efficient photovoltaic materials. Theoretical calculations and... -
Magnetic excitations in Strontium Erbium Oxide
In SrEr2O4 the magnetic Er ions are linked through a network of triangles and hexagons, where geometrical frustration can arise, provided that some exchange interactions are... -
Determination of the Spinon Confining Potential in a 1D, Spin-1/2 XXZ Antifer...
SrCo2V2O8 is a quasi-1D, S-1/2 antiferromagnet with XXZ anisotropy. Weak interchains coupling result in long-range magnetic order at a finite temperature TN. A spinon continuum... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we apply for a... -
Excitation spectrum of the frustrated spinel GeCo2O4
The spinel GeCo2O4 is a promising compound to establish the consequences of geometrical frustration, as the magnetic Co2+ ions are on a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra...