Windlidar data 2019 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2018 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2017 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2016 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2015 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2014 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2013 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Windlidar data 2012 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Sun Photometer Data (AOD) 2013 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is measured by a sun photometer, type SP1a by Dr. Schulz & Partner GmbH in 17 wavelengths between λ = 369nm to 1023nm with a field of view of 1°... -
Arctic landforms and processes around the coast of Svalbard
This dataset presents the thirteen coastal classes that were identified around the coast of the Svalbard archipelago, using remote sensing and field data. The map is based on... -
Star Photometer Data (RAW) 2010 - 2021 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
In this data set the raw data of the data set doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.937183 are given for the star photometer at AWIPEV for the time 10 Nov. 2010 to 21. Feb 2021. The data is... -
Star Photometer Data (AOD) 2010 - 2021 from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
The star photometer at AWIPEV is a permanent installation and fills the measurement gap of the sun photometer during polar night by using the brightness of defined stars. The... -
Windlidar data from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Since December 2012 AWIPEV operates a commercial Wind Lidar (WindCube 200, Leosphere) on the roof of the AWIPEV observatory in Ny-Ålesund, which runs unattended and... -
Sun Photometer Data (AOD) from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is measured by a sun photometer, type SP1a by Dr. Schulz & Partner GmbH in 17 wavelengths between λ = 369nm to 1023nm with a field of view of 1°... -
Field Observatory dynamic data storage
A dynamic data storage containing the data presented in the Field Observatory website (https://www.fieldobservatory.org). The data is described in the article Nevalainen et al.,... -
piSVM1.2 Analytics JUDGE Cluster Rome Images 55 Features
piSVM version 1.2; configuration: -o 1024 -q 512 -c 10000 -g 16 -t 2 -m 1024 -s 0; 55 features; SDAP build on high-resolution (0.6m) panchromatic image and on pansharpened... -
piSVM1.2.1 Analytics Training (10x-CV optimized) Indian Pines Images Processe...
piSVM version 1.2.1 Deployment JUDGE cluster of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany Parallel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification runs to analyse remote sensing... -
piSVM1.2.1 Analytics Training Indian Pines Images Raw 200 Features 52 Classes
piSVM version 1.2.1 Deployment JUDGE cluster of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany Parallel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification runs to analyse remote... -
piSVM1.2.1 Analytics Training (10x-CV optimized) Indian Pines Images Raw 200 ...
piSVM version 1.2.1 Deployment JUDGE cluster of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany Parallel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification runs to analyse remote sensing... -
piSVM1.2.1 Analytics Training Indian Pines Images Processed 30 Features 52 Cl...
piSVM version 1.2.1 Deployment JUDGE cluster of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany Parallel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification runs to analyse remote sensing...