Data publication: Ab initio evaluation of the electron-ion energy transfer ra...
All input files for the DFT-MD simulations of aluminum at the densities and temperatures as in the paper. The coordinates of the snapshots from DFT-MD. The input files and... -
Determination of hydrogen exchange and relaxation parameters in PHIP complexe...
Non-hydrogenative Para-Hydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) is a fast, efficient and relatively inexpensive approach to enhance Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signals of small... -
Data publication: Ab initio-simulated optical response of hot electrons in go...
All necessary scripts and input files to run the simulations as well as the relevant output files to make the figures. -
Data publication: Electron-phonon coupling in transition metals beyond Wang's...
All input files and scripts to setup calculations in abinit. Also all output files that were used to generate the figures and tables. -
Data publication: Intrinsic energy flow in laser-excited 3d ferromagnets
DFT data concerning the electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling of Co and Fe. NOT the atomistic spin simulations. NO experimental data. -
Data publication: Energy relaxation and electron-phonon coupling in laser-exc...
DFT data and results for Al and Cu for the DOS, phonon DOS, and Eliashberg function depending on the electron temperature. -
Data publication: Electron-ion temperature relaxation in warm dense hydrogen ...
DFT-MD and HNC data for cryogenic hydrogen and for two-temperature hydrogen -
µSR studies of free radical reactions by non-thermal microwave effects
We plan to study the non-thermal microwave (MW) effects on H2O2 through its reaction with muonium under MW irradiation. The key objectives are 1) for the first time definitively... -
Multiple phase transitions in U2Pt2Sn studied with muon-spin-rotation and rel...
U2Pt2Sn crystallizes in the tetragonal Zr3Al2-type structure (P42/mnm, Z = 4), where uranium atoms occupy two different sites. Our measurements of bulk properties have shown... -
Spin relaxation of short-lived spin-labelled radicals in solution
The spin relaxation rates of free radicals in solution can provide valuable information about the dynamics of molecular tumbling in solution, and solvent-radical interactions.... -
Development of internal strains during compression of Al-Si alloy Al-7Si-0.4Mg
This proposal follows on from our successful experiment on ENGIN-X lin 2006, where we measured the development of strains in the aluminium and silicon phases of a common casting... -
Residual stresses in a ring weld specimen after extended creep relaxation
Reheat cracking is a failure mechanism seen in welds fabricated from high temperature creep resistant materials. A new feature test specimen (ring-weld) has been designed to... -
Structural relaxation in LiCl 6D2O
We propose to measure the structural relaxation in this prototype glass former. The structural ralaxation time will be obtained at the structure factor maximum. We suppose that... -
Proton Delocalization in Liquid Hydrogen Chloride
Liquid HCl has attracted numerous studies focusing onto the role played by hydrogen bonding on the dynamical properties of this weakly associated liquid. Previous computational... -
Search for Antiferromagnetic order in ZrMn2
Today, about seventy years after Laves, there exists a fairly good knowledge about the basic structural principles of Laves phases but many questions still remain. AMn-type... -
Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking in superconducting PrOs4Sb12 and its alloys
In 2005 we carried out muon spin relaxation (muSR) experiments in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 alloys at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, to investigate the time-reversal symmetry breaking found in... -
Electron spin relaxation measurements in polymeric systems
This proposal looks to study the electron spin relaxation using high field ALC measurements in two polymers, which differ only by the non-metal (i.e S or Se) in the polymer... -
Structural origin of anomalous relaxation behaviour in alcohol-water mixtures
In recent dielectric and calorimetric studies of some alcohol-water mixtures we have discovered unexpected and unexplained relaxation behaviours. Our aim with this proposal is... -
Effect of texture on generation of intergranular stresses in 316H
Intergranular stresses are generated in polycrystalline material due to anisotropic deformation during monotonic and cyclic loading. Such generated intergranular stresses can...