Multi-phonon scattering and anharmonicity in zinc oxide
Understanding the thermal conductivity of zinc oxide is of central importance in assessing its potential for a wide variety of applications in optoelectronics, power electronics... -
Probing the mechanism of thermoelectric enhancement in Kondo insulator YbB12 ...
We propose to study the evolution of the spectral features in the dynamical magnetic response in series Yb_{1-x}Tm_{x}B_{12} (x=0.15, 0.6, 0.8). Tm doping results in non-trivial... -
Spin-waves in GdPtBi
In the proposed experiment we intend to resolve the spin waves in GdPtBi, which is an outstanding representative of a novel class of magnets - topological antiferromagnets. In... -
Magnetic excitations in kagome antiferromagnet Mn3Ge
The Mn3Ge compound have recently attracted giant attention due to discovery of large anomalous Hall effect. This effect is believed to originate in the non-collinear... -
Magnetic excitation in Sr2IrO4 : Establishing links to Cuprate superconductors
The strontium iridate Sr2IrO4 has recently received a special attention because of its closeresemblance to undoped high-Tc cuprate in terms of structural, electronic, and... -
High precision measurement of the spin waves in Yttrium Iron Garnet
Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) is a material with extremely wide ranging applications. It is a ferrimagnetic spinel with the narrowest ferromagnetic resonance linewidth of any known... -
Paramagnons in the chiral superconductor Sr2RuO4
Sr2RuO4 is a 2-D layered perovskite oxide metal which becomes superconducting below 1.5K. There is strong experimental evidence that the superconducting wavefunction is... -
Field effect of the magnetic ground state in a triangular-lattice magnet
Rare-earth frustrated magnets have attracted great interest because they can form rather complex ground states such as hidden order phases, the order parameters of which cannot... -
Resonant Spin Excitation in Single Crystal of Ba0.3K0.7Fe2As2
We recently observed a resonant spin excitation in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (x=0.4), one of the newly discovered iron arsenide superconductors with Tc=38K, on MERLIN. This demonstrates... -
The full spin-wave dispersion of CaFe2O4 in the A and B phases:
CaFe2O4 shows an interplay between magnetic structures termed the A and B phases. In this proposal, we request time to measure the spin wave dispersion using MERLIN. Previous... -
Excitations of a solitonic lattice in the multiferroic material TbFeO3
The multiferroic system TbFeO3 undergoes magnetic transitions at 8.5 and 3 K, and with further modification in applied fields leading to a complex H-T phase diagram. At a... -
Paramagnetic excitations in the topological Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
In a magnetic Weyl semimetal (WSM) with broken time-reversal symmetry, large intrinsic anomalous Hall effect is expected if the Weyl nodes are close to Fermi energy, which... -
: Investigation of collective magnetic excitations in Kondo insulator: CeFe2Al10
: Recently the Kondo insulators CeT2Al10 (T=Fe, Ru and Os) have attracted considerable attention. T=Ru and Os order AFM below 29 K, while T=Fe remains paramagnetic. At low... -
High precision measurement of the spin waves in Yttrium Iron Garnet
Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) is a material with extremely wide ranging applications. It is a ferrimagnetic spinel with the narrowest ferromagnetic resonance linewidth of any known... -
Magnetic Excitations of Cobalt Oxide
Cobalt Oxide has the face centered cubic structure above the antiferromagnetic transition of 300 K. The magnetic moments are composed of both spin and orbital contributions.... -
MAPS commissioning (short)
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Spin excitations in the first magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2
In contrast to the extensively verified Weyl semimetals with broken inversion symmetry, magnetic Weyl semimetals, which break time reversal symmetry, were only theoretically... -
High Energy Spin Excitations in Electron Overdoped NaFe0.7Ni0.3As
The interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in iron-based high-temperature superconductors are of great interest in condensed matter physics research. These two... -
Magnetic Excitations in SrRuO3
SrRuO3 is particularly interesting as it is the only simple Ruthenate that exhibits ferromagnetic order at ambient conditions, which still is a rare phenomenon in the broader... -
Probing possible Dirac magnons in collinear antiferromagnets
Topological state of matter remains one of the central topics in condensed matter physics since decades ago. Take graphene as an example, the electron bands are linear and...