Musical abilities predict the processing of prosodic focus cues in a second l...
Dataset and script used for the study "Musical abilities predict the processing of prosodic focus cues in a second language: An eye-tracking study". Description of the study:... -
The processing of L2 English focus prosody and the role of musical abilities ...
Dataset and script used for the study "The processing of L2 English focus prosody and the role of musical abilities in tone-language listeners". This study investigated the role... -
The relation between musical abilities and focus prosody in second-language s...
Dataset, analysis script, and Supplementary Results for the study "The relation between musical abilities and focus prosody in second-language speech production by tone and... -
Training corpus of spoken Slovenian ROG 1.0
Training corpus of spoken Slovenian ROG 1.0 is the main resource for Slovenian language to train and evaluate technologies aimed at processing speech or speech transcripts, such... -
Lexical stress identification in cochlear implant-simulated speech by non-nat...
Analysis code and data that support the findings of the experimental study reported in the article "Lexical stress identification in cochlear implant-simulated speech by... -
The relation between musical abilities and speech prosody perception: A meta-...
Dataset and script used for the meta-analysis reported in "The relation between musical abilities and speech prosody perception: A meta-analysis" (see Related Publication listed... -
Prosodic focus interpretation in spectrotemporally degraded speech by non-nat...
Analysis code and data that support the findings of the experimental study reported in the article "Prosodic focus interpretation in spectrotemporally degraded speech by... -
Meadow Mari Prosody data
This dataset contains the segmental durations, F0 measurements and formant values F1-F3 from the vowels in 1-4 syllable words in Meadow Mari, a Finno-Ugric language. 8 native...