Cumulative CO2 release rates from a typical thaw slump on the northern Qingha...
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Variation in greenhouse gas production within a thermokarst lagoon system, ou...
When highly degraded, lowland thermokarst landscapes are flooded by the sea, and thermokarst lagoons, lakes, and the sea become connected with each other, complex lagoon systems... -
Methane and carbon dioxide production from anaerobically incubated boreal pea...
This dataset reports greenhouse gas production measurements from a laboratory incubation of sphagnum and peat sourced from a boreal peatland complex (Siikaneva Bog, Finland).... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and carbon fixation of Antarctic cryp...
We conducted a multiple-stressor experiment to evaluate the response of the still poorly studied key Antarctic cryptophyte species Geminigera cryophila (CCMP 2564, isolated from... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photophysiology, growth, carbon production, ...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2021) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Acidification and iron limitation effects on the photophysiology, growth, car...
Ecophysiological studies looking at the combined effects of ocean acidification (OA) and iron (Fe) availability on Southern Ocean (SO) phytoplankton are still limited. To gain a... -
Acidification and irradiance effect on the photo-physiological fitness, growt...
Ecophysiological studies on Antarctic cryptophytes to assess whether climatic changes such as ocean acidification and enhanced stratification affect their growth in Antarctic... -
Potential CO2 and CH4 production in the central Lena River Delta, Kurungnakh ...
Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils and other permafrost soils in the permafrost region. This dataset present... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface... -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of control and freeze-th...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P2, 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of control and freeze-thaw permafrost-...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P1, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)... -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of permafrost-affected s...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from two polygon centers (P1: 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E, P2: 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 150 days.... -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
Soil and incubation data of permafrost-affected soils of the northeast Siberian polygonal tundra -
(Table 3+4) Abundance, biomass, production, and grazing of prokaryotes, nanof...
Incubations were run in the dark at in situ temperature for 48 h. -
Gas production (CO2 + CH4) of an one year anaerobic incubation with salt wate...
The dataset reports CO2 and CH4 production rates from a laboratory incubation of soil samples sourced from two permafrost cores taken in April 2022 near Utqiagvik, Alaska, USA.... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and microbial dynamics in shallow CO2 seeps syst...
Sampling was carried out between 28th and 31st July 2011 in the Panarea Island area along a 9-station transect. One extra station located north of the vent field was sampled as... -
Cumulative greenhouse gas production in thawed sediments underneath a Yedoma ...
This dataset describes two 17 m long sediment cores taken from beneath two thermokarst lakes in the Yukechi Alas, Central Yakutia, Russia. The first core was taken from below an... -
Heterotrophic carbon production of planktonic prokaryotes in the water column...
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Viral dynamics at the PaCO2 transect experimentally estimating viral producti...
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