412 datasets found

Keywords: polarimetry

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  • Absolute polarimetry observations of 33 pulsars

    Absolute polarimetry observations of 33 pulsars were carried out with the Green Bank Telescope in the 1100-1900 MHz band using the Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing...
  • Optical polarization of the Polaris Flare

    The stages before the formation of stars in molecular clouds are poorly understood. Insights can be gained by studying the properties of quiescent clouds, such as their magnetic...
  • Excited-state hydroxyl maser polarimetry

    We present polarimetric maser observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array of excited-state hydroxyl (OH) masers. We observed 30 fields of OH masers in full Stokes...
  • Spectropolarimetry of active galaxy 3C 390.3

    Here we present the spectropolarimetric observations of the radio-loud active galaxy 3C 390.3 in the period 2009-2014 (24 epochs). The galaxy has been observed with the 6-m...
  • Gamma-ray-loud blazars optical polarization

    We present first results from RoboPol, a novel-design optical polarimeter operating at the Skinakas Observatory in Crete. The data, taken during the 2013 May-June commissioning...
  • Swift J1745-26 polarized jet

    Swift J1745-26 is an X-ray binary towards the Galactic Centre that was detected when it went into outburst in 2012 September. This source is thought to be one of a growing...
  • HTRU survey: long-period pulsars polarimetry

    We present a polarimetric analysis of 49 long-period pulsars discovered as part of the High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU) southern survey. The sources exhibit the typical...
  • Polarization of bright AT20G sources

    We present polarization data for 180 extragalactic sources extracted from the Australia Telescope 20GHz (AT20G) survey catalogue and observed with the Australia Telescope...
  • Polarisation and magnetic fields in Ap stars

    In this paper we describe and evaluate new spectral line polarization observations obtained with the goal of mapping the surfaces of magnetic Ap stars in great detail. One...
  • OJ287 polarization and VLBI jet direction

    We study the variation of the optical polarization angle in the blazar OJ287 and compare it with the precessing binary black hole model with a "live" accretion disc. First, a...
  • Radio sources with ultrahigh polarization

    A sample of 129 unresolved radio sources with ultrahigh linear polarization (>30%) has been selected from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey. Such high average linear polarization is...
  • Linear polarization of nearby bright stars

    We report observations of the linear polarization of a sample of 49 nearby bright stars measured to sensitivities of between ~1 and ~4x10^-6^. The majority of stars in the...
  • Optical polarization in NGC 6124

    We have obtained optical multicolour (UBVRI) linear polarimetric data for 46 of the brightest stars in the area of the open cluster NGC 6124 in order to investigate the...
  • Polarization towards open cluster NGC 6823

    We present multiwavelength linear polarimetric observations of 104 stars towards the region of young open cluster NGC 6823. The polarization towards NGC 6823 is dominated by...
  • Australia Telescope 20GHz Survey Catalog, AT20G

    The Australia Telescope 20GHz Survey (AT20G) is a blind radio survey carried out at 20GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004 to 2008, and covers the...
  • Optical polarization of OJ 287 in 2005-2009

    OJ287 is a BL Lac object at redshift z=0.306 that has shown double-peaked bursts at regular intervals of ~12yr during the last ~40yr. We analyse optical photopolarimetric...
  • Radio polarization of WMAP point sources

    Observations were conducted using the VLA in D-configuration between 01.40 and 19.30 UT on 2008 August 1. Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/401/1388/table2 (Flux...
  • Characteristics of energetic pulsars

    In this paper we compare the characteristics of pulsars with a high spin-down energy loss rate (Edot) against those with a low Edot. We show that the differences in the total...
  • Bright Source Sample of AT20G Survey

    The Australia Telescope 20-GHz (AT20G) Survey is a blind survey of the whole southern sky at 20GHz (with follow-up observations at 4.8 and 8.6GHz) carried out with the Australia...
  • MRCR-SUMSS Ultra-steep-spectrum (USS) sample

    This paper introduces a new program to find high-redshift radio galaxies in the Southern hemisphere through ultra-steep spectrum (USS) selection. We define a sample of 234 USS...
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