416 datasets found

Keywords: polarimetry

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  • Faraday rotation of Northern hemisphere pulsars

    Using commissioning data from the first year of operation of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment's (CHIME) Pulsar backend system, we conduct a systematic analysis...
  • IGMF limits with LOFAR

    Measuring the properties of extragalactic magnetic fields through the effect of Faraday rotation provides a means to understand the origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism....
  • Optical polarization properties of AGNs

    Significant positional offsets of the value from 1 mas to more than 10mas were found previously between radio (VLBI) and optical (Gaia) positions of active galactic nuclei...
  • ALMA polarimetric follow-up of PACO sources

    We present Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimiter Array (ALMA) high sensitivity ({sigma}P~0.4mJy) polarimetric observations at 97.5GHz (Band 3) of a complete sample of 32...
  • Arecibo polarimetric single-pulse survey

    We report on an Arecibo 4.5-GHz polarimetric single-pulse survey of the brightest pulsars at high frequency within its sky. The high-frequency profiles are accompanied by a...
  • Filaments hosting Planck Galactic cold clumps

    We present a statistical study of the relative orientation in the plane of the sky between interstellar magnetic fields and filaments hosting cold clumps. For the first time, we...
  • Polarization of stars with debris discs

    The Herschel Space telescope carried out an unprecedented survey of nearby stars for debris discs. The dust present in these debris discs scatters and polarizes stellar light in...
  • Local Bubble & Gould Belt polarization

    We create and analyse the largest up-to-date all-sky compilation of the interstellar optical polarization data supplemented by the reddening data This compilation includes 13...
  • Polarization of seven MBM clouds stars

    We made R-band polarization measurements of 234 stars towards the direction of the MBM 33-39 cloud complex. The distance of the MBM 33-39 complex was determined as 120+/-10pc...
  • Broadband polarisation of radio AGN

    We present the results from a broadband (1 to 3GHz), spectro-polarimetry study of the integrated emission from 100 extragalactic radio sources with the ATCA, selected to be...
  • Faraday rotation in Magellanic Bridge

    We present an investigation into the magnetism of the Magellanic Bridge, carried out through the observation of Faraday rotation towards 167 polarized extragalactic radio...
  • Polarimetry of 53 post-AGB stars

    We present new optical broad-band (UBVRI) aperture polarimetric observations of 53 post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars selected to exhibit a large near-infrared excess. 24...
  • IC 63 and IC 59 magnetic field structure

    Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs) are formed at the periphery of HII regions as the radiation from the central star interacts with dense gas. The ionization and resulting compression...
  • PACO radio sources complete sample polarimetry

    We present high-sensitivity polarimetric observations ({sigma}P~=0.6mJy) in six bands covering the 5.5-38GHz range of a complete sample of 53 compact extragalactic radio sources...
  • V356 Sgr optical polarization

    We analyse 45 spectropolarimetric observations of the eclipsing, interacting binary star V356 Sgr, obtained over a period of ~21yr, to characterize the geometry of the system's...
  • RCW121 stars polarimetric study

    We present a polarimetric study of the RCW121 star-forming region to derive the orientation of the sky-projected magnetic field component traced by the polarization vectors, the...
  • Spectropolarimetry of active galaxy 3C 390.3

    Here we present the spectropolarimetric observations of the radio-loud active galaxy 3C 390.3 in the period 2009-2014 (24 epochs). The galaxy has been observed with the 6-m...
  • Gamma-ray-loud blazars optical polarization

    We present first results from RoboPol, a novel-design optical polarimeter operating at the Skinakas Observatory in Crete. The data, taken during the 2013 May-June commissioning...
  • Polarisation and magnetic fields in Ap stars

    In this paper we describe and evaluate new spectral line polarization observations obtained with the goal of mapping the surfaces of magnetic Ap stars in great detail. One...
  • OJ287 polarization and VLBI jet direction

    We study the variation of the optical polarization angle in the blazar OJ287 and compare it with the precessing binary black hole model with a "live" accretion disc. First, a...
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