SUBSAINTES Cruise - ROV VICTOR photomosaics, French Antilles - GEOTIFFS (navi...
Photomosaics acquired by ROV Victor during dives #653, #654, #655, and #658, along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles). The images, acquired with the ROV vertical camera, were... -
Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge at ~37.25°N) - OTUS Victo...
Black and white seafloor photomosaic of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field and the ridge axis to the South, acquired with VICTOR6000 during the Bathyluck 2009. Individual still... -
Replication data for: An Arctic natural oil seep investigated from space to t...
Prins Karls Foreland is a small and elongated island on the western flank of the Svalbard archipelago. It belongs to the system of complex host and graben structures of the... -
Seafloor litter field off the French Mediterranean coast (43.078°N;6.458°E): ...
Litter site at the seafloor, off the southern French Mediterranean coast (43.078°N;6.458°E), at a water depth of ~600 m This litter field was surveyed using the HROV Arianne in...