Light curve of the triple system NLTT 41135
We report the discovery of an eclipsing companion to NLTT 41135, a nearby M5 dwarf that was already known to have a wider, slightly more massive common proper motion companion,... -
Age estimation for solar-type dwarfs
While the strong anticorrelation between chromospheric activity and age has led to the common use of the CaII H and K emission index (R'HK=L_HK_/L_bol_) as an empirical age... -
Masses of evolved disks in PMS stars
We report deep Submillimeter Array observations of 26 pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars with evolved inner disks. These observations measure the mass of the outer disk (r~20-100AU)... -
Lynds 988e JHKs and IRAC photometry
We present Spitzer images of the relatively sparse, low-luminosity young cluster L988e (NAME [C86] L988 e CLUSTER in Simbad), as well as complementary near-infrared (NIR) and... -
R- and I-band photometry of 506 asteroids with CNEOST
We initiated the bilateral collaboration between the Lulin Observatory and the Purple Mountain Observatory to collect asteroid lightcurves using the Chinese Near-Earth Object... -
Imaging survey of Spitzer-detected debris disks
We describe a joint high-contrast imaging survey for planets at the Keck and Very Large Telescope of the last large sample of debris disks identified by the Spitzer Space... -
New binaries in the {epsilon} Cha association
We present Adaptive Optics-aided speckle observations of 47 young stars in the {epsilon} Cha association made at the 4 m Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope in the I-band.... -
BEST periodic variable stars in LRa1 field
In this paper, we report on observations of the CoRoT LRa1 field with the Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope (BEST). The current paper is part of a series of papers describing... -
2001-2006 WIYN binary stars speckle observations
A total of 1067 speckle observations of 345 binary stars are presented. Of these, 161 are double stars first resolved by Hipparcos, 17 are resolved for the first time in the... -
Second GALEX UV variability catalog (GUVV-2)
We present the second Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Ultraviolet Variability (GUVV-2) Catalog, which contains information on 410 newly discovered time-variable sources gained... -
SDSS new variables
The US Naval Observatory 0.2m Flagstaff Astrometric Scanning Transit Telescope (FASTT) was used to obtain astrometric information in 16 equatorial fields in support of the Sloan... -
M31B eclipsing binaries and Cepheids
We have undertaken a long-term project, DIRECT, to obtain the direct distances to two important galaxies in the cosmological distance ladder - M31 and M33 - using detached... -
Symbiotic stars catalogue
We present a new catalogue of symbiotic stars. In our list we include 188 symbiotic stars as well as 30 objects suspected of being symbiotic. For each star, we present basic... -
WW Vul B light curve during 1898-1966
Photographic magnitudes are presented for the irregular variable WW Vulpeculae. They were derived from Argelander brightness estimates carried out on N=2774 plates of the... -
Mira variables light curves
Good distance indicators are needed in studies of the galactic structure. Pulsating variables can be used, but the problem is to find a homogeneous sample obeying a... -
T Tauri stars UBrHalphaz photometry
We present the results of UBrH_{alpha}_z monitoring of a sample of T Tauri stars. The method of differential CCD photometry was applied. The observations span a range of ten... -
VI photometry of Ton 2 cluster
Ton 2 is among the less-known Galactic globular clusters. We present for the first time colour magnitude diagrams in the V, I bands. We used the ESO NTT telescope under an... -
Homogeneous study of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBes) have so far been studied based on relatively small samples that are scattered throughout the sky. Their fundamental stellar and circumstellar... -
GW190814 observations taken with MeerLICHT
The Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave observatories detected a signal on 2019 August 14 during their third observing run, named GW190814. A large number of... -
HD 2685 TESS photometry
We report on the confirmation of a transiting giant planet around the relatively hot (Teff=6801+/-56K) star HD 2685, whose transit signal was detected in Sector 1 data of NASA's...