De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites - Transcripties (geanonimis...
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites, bevat meer dan duizend uur geluidsmateriaal, zoals dit in de afgelopen decennia is verzameld door onderzoekers van het... -
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites - Transcripties (niet geano...
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites, bevat meer dan duizend uur geluidsmateriaal, zoals dit in de afgelopen decennia is verzameld door onderzoekers van het... -
Phonological Contrast and Conflict in Dutch Vowels: Neurobiological and Psych...
This dataset belongs to the dissertation by Nadine de Rue entitled ?Phonological Contrast and Conflict in Dutch vowels: Neurobiological and Psycholinguistic evidence from... -
LexicO is a resource deriving from Parole-Simple-Clips (http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11752/ILC-88). This resource contains all four levels of linguistic information represented... -
AThEME Verona-Trento Corpus
The AThEME Verona-Trento Corpus is a spoken corpus composed of data collected during the AThEME project in Work Package 2 ‘Regional Languages’ by the units of Verona and Trento... -
Contrast and Conflict in Dutch Vowels
This dataset contains data used in the research described in the paper entitled ‘Contrast and Conflict in Dutch vowels’ by De Rue and colleagues (2021), published in Frontiers... -
Comparing acoustic analyses of speech data collected remotely
This dataset contains the supporting data for the following article: Zhang, C., Jepson, K.M., Lohfink, G. & Arvaniti, A. (2021). Comparing acoustic analyses of speech data... -
Dataset for "Scrabble yourself to success: Methods in teaching transcription."
This dataset is from a quasi-experimental study that evaluated two methods for teaching phonemic transcription to university students of English: (i) the transcription of... -
Solving Russian velars: Palatalization, the lexicon and gradient contrast uti...
This dataset consists of (1) an excel file with type and token counts of all paired consonants word-finally and before non-front vowels, their probabilities, and the entropies... -
Replication data for: The rarity of intervocalic voicing of stops in Danish s...
Replication data, scripts, and code used for the article "The rarity of intervocalic voicing of stops in Danish spontaneous speech". R, 4.1.2 RStudio, 2019.09.2+382 Praat, 6.0.55 -
Data and code for Chapters 5 and 6 of 'Stop! Hey, what's that sound?'
Reproducibility data and code for Chapters 5 and 6 of PhD dissertation 'Stop! Hey, what's that sound? The representation and realization of Danish stops". Praat, 6.2.04 R, 4.1.2...