Conducted measurements during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flo...
This table contains measurements conducted during the bioassay incubation initiated after the flocculation experiment. Filtrates of gypsum and control treatments were amended... -
Selected colored dissolved organic matter propertie of the experimental flocc...
This table contains measurements of selected colored dissolved organic matter properties measured in size-fractioned dissolved organic matter after an ultrafiltration conducted... -
Laboratory measurements after the experimental flocculation
This table contains laboratory measurements from both treatments conducted after the experimental flocculation. -
Sensor data collected during the sampling in river Paimionjoki
This table contains sensor data collected during the sampling and all measurements that were conducted in the laboratory before any experimental manipulations. During each... -
Non-significant effects of temperature on salt-induced flocculation of dissol...
Two laboratory experiments were conducted in spring 2023 to examine the effect of temperature on salt-induced flocculation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in humic-rich river... -
Phytoplankton and bacteria incubations in part 2 (dissolved organic matter co...
The data were collected from an experiment using phytoplankton cultures (Apocalathium malmogiense and Rhodomonas marina). The aim of the experiment was to study carbon cycling... -
Key point incubations in part 1 (dissolved organic matter release) of the mic...
The data were collected from an experiment using phytoplankton cultures (Apocalathium malmogiense and Rhodomonas marina). The aim of the experiment was to study carbon cycling... -
Monitoring of the growth of phytoplankton batch cultures in part 1 (dissolved...
The data were collected from an experiment using phytoplankton cultures (Apocalathium malmogiense and Rhodomonas marina). The aim of the experiment was to study carbon cycling... -
Water column nutrient and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, dissolved ...
This dataset has no description
Water column nutrient and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, dissolved ...
This dataset has no description
Water column nutrient and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, dissolved ...
This dataset has no description
Water column nutrient, chlorophyll and dissolved organic carbon concentration...
Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is changing the structure and the function of coastal ecosystems. These coastal zones are transitions between freshwater and marine systems...