Psihološki profil pandemije COVID-19 v Srbiji, 2020
Hiter odziv prebivalstva in upoštevanje preventivnih ukrepov sta dva od najučinkovitejših načinov omejevanja širjenja okužb v zgodnjih fazah epidemije. Raziskava govori o tem,... -
COVID-19 in turizem, 2020
Raziskava ponuja dojemanje dogajanja Slovencev v zgodovinsko posebnem trenutku – takoj ob začetku epidemije COVID-19. Spletna anketa je bila izvedena za časa prvega zaprtja... -
Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands – COVID-19 panel survey
This panel survey is a follow-up study on SOCON 2019 and SOCON 2020. The study can be used to ascertain changes in Dutch society possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The... -
Dataset belonging to Emerging adults’ mental health during the COVID-19 pande...
The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate emerging adults’ mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether social support from mothers, fathers,... -
Workplace Ergonomics Problems and Solutions: Working from Home
Background: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020, many employees requested to work from home (WFH). During this WFH period, some employees encountered health issues related to... -
Students’ Attitudes and Coping Strategies Relating to Online Learning in the ...
This study investigates Multimedia University (MMU) students’ attitudes and coping strategies in relation to online learning classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dataset... -
The influence of extroversion and introversion personality types on the accep...
This study was mainly descriptive with open-ended questions used to gain insight on how two diametrically opposite personalities, namely extroverts and introverts differ in... -
Experiences of Dutch maternity care professionals during the first wave of CO...
This study researches the experiences of maternity care professionals with changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and provides suggestions for the organization of care during... -
The impact of COVID-19 on blood donations
During a crisis, society calls for individuals to take prosocial actions that promote crisis management. Indeed, individuals show higher willingness to help after a disaster.... -
Child Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior and Parental Well-Being During...
Data subset in SPSS file from the UCL-Penn Global COVID Study used to answer the paper attached. Cross-lagged models and regressions were conducted such that time 1 child...