The impact of synthetic perfumes on surfactant self-assembly.
This proposal is part of a broad collaboration between Oxford, CCLRC, and Unilever in the study of surfactants and mixed surfactants at interfaces and in solution. This is an... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
Evidence for long-range order in HoTbTi2O7
Evidence of long-range order has been observed in the diffuse neutron scattering data for a single crystal of HoTbTi2O7.A spin ice like pattern and pinch points coexist with the... -
Isotope dependence of the Néel Temperature in cuprates
The effect of isotope exchange on the Néel temperature in the cuprates was neer determined because it was impossible to perform relaible isotope exchanges in the parent...