Meteoric 10Be concentrations and OSL depositional ages of Rio Bermejo floodpl...
To determine the depositional age and the long-term delivery of meteoric 10Be (10Bem) to the Rio Bermejo floodplain (northern Argentina), we collected floodplain sediment... -
Luminescence dating of cores PG2410, PG2411 and PG2412 at Polar Fox Lagoon an...
This dataset contains results of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for samples from sediment cores PG2410 (Uomullyakh Lagoon), PG2411 (Polar Fox Lagoon) and the... -
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results for sediment core KK12...
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Sedimentological, biogeochemical and geochronological data from permafrost de...
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Age determinations and sedimentology Arga Island, Lena Delta
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(Table 1) Radiocarbon and OSL ages of sediment cores C1-C5 drilled during the...
The palaeoenvironmental development of the western Laptev Sea is understood primarily from investigations of exposed cliffs and surface sediment cores from the shelf. In 2005, a... -
OSL results (Table 2)
a: OSL and 14C Sample names both begin with “SCF18-”.b: Age analysis using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedure of Murray and Wintle (2000) on 1-2mm small-aliquots of... -
Results of OSL dating of Dali Lake beach ridges
Ages are calculated for different water contents, including the measured water content, saturated water content and zero water content. Ages are also calibrated for inundated... -
Luminescence ages from sediment core XC05 from the Xingu River, Brazil
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(Table 4) Radionuclides, dose rates, and resulting OSL ages of soil profiles ...
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Tab. 1: Analytical results of IR-OSL dating
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(Table 1) Age determination of profile Novik-Bozh
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(Table 1) Age determination of profile Garevo
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(Table 1) Age determination and facies log of profile Ozornoye
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(Table 1) Age determination and facies log of profile Byzovaya
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(Table 3) Summary data of single aliquot luminescence dating of cores from Ok...
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(Table 1) Age determination and facies log of profile Bolotny_Mys
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Table 1. Luminescence ages of 6 sites from northwest Russia
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(Table 2) Optical stimulated luminescence dates on fluvial sediments below th...
OSL dates on quarts, using the sand grain fraction. All dates are performed at the Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Risø -
(Table 2) Luminescence age determination of sediment profiles from outcrops i...
List of luminescence age-estimates. Samples prefixed by R were dated by the Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Riso, Denmark using the coarse-grained (sand) method. For...