Cirrus cloud properties over Ny-Alesund as retrieved from lidar measurements ...
The present dataset reports the properties of cirrus clouds over the research site of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, as retrieved from lidar measurements from 2011 to 2020. Several... -
Non-significant effects of temperature on salt-induced flocculation of dissol...
Two laboratory experiments were conducted in spring 2023 to examine the effect of temperature on salt-induced flocculation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in humic-rich river... -
DOC, CDOM, optical properties, and lignin phenols (terrigenous biomarker) dur...
This data set was collected during Polarstern cruise ARKXXII/2 in 2007. It contains data on dissolved organic carbon concentrations, lignin phenol concentration and optical... -
Data-driven discovery of organic electronic materials enabled by hybrid top-d...
The high-throughput molecular exploration and screening of organic electronic materials often starts with either a 'top-down' mining of existing repositories, or the 'bottom-up'... -
Data-driven discovery of organic electronic materials enabled by hybrid top-d...
The high-throughput molecular exploration and screening of organic electronic materials often starts with either a 'top-down' mining of existing repositories, or the 'bottom-up'... -
Data-driven discovery of organic electronic materials enabled by hybrid top-d...
The high-throughput molecular exploration and screening of organic electronic materials often starts with either a 'top-down' mining of existing repositories, or the 'bottom-up'... -
Photochemical anisotropy and direction-dependent optical absorption propertie...
Photochemical reactions on semiconductors are anisotropic, since they occur with different rates on surfaces of different orientation. Understanding the origin of this...