R light curves of MN Dra
We present results of an extensive world-wide observing campaign of MN Draconis. MN Draconis is a poorly known active dwarf nova in the period gap and is one of the only two... -
Near-IR catalog of novae in VVV survey area
Near-infrared data on classical novae contain useful information about the ejected gas mass and the thermal emission by dust formed during eruption, and provide independent... -
M31-RV evolution (1942-1993)
The photometric evolution of M31-RV has been investigated on 1447 plates of the Andromeda galaxy obtained over half a century with the Asiago telescopes. M31-RV is a gigantic... -
Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects
(no description available) Cone search capability for table B/cb/cbdata (Catalogue of Cataclysmic Binaries) Cone search capability for table B/cb/lmxbdata (Catalogue of Low-Mass...