Dwarf nova outbursts detected by ASAS-SN
The unprecedented sky coverage and observing cadence of the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) has resulted in the discovery and continued monitoring of a large... -
gri photometry for 32 kilonovae with ZTF
The first binary neutron star merger, GW170817, was accompanied by a radioactivity-powered optical/infrared transient called a kilonova. To date, no compelling kilonova has been... -
ANDICAM BVRIJHK light curve of Nova V906 Car
We present optical and infrared photometry of the classical nova V906 Car, also known as Nova Car 2018 and ASASSN-18fv, which was discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for... -
Gemini/FLAMINGOS-2 NIR spectra of V1047 Cen
Fourteen years after its eruption as a classical nova (CN), V1047 Cen (Nova Cen 2005) began an unusual re-brightening in 2019 April. The amplitude of the brightening suggests... -
2016 eruption LC of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a
Since its discovery in 2008, the Andromeda galaxy nova M31N 2008-12a has been observed in eruption every single year. This unprecedented frequency indicates an extreme object,... -
Optical to NIR spectra of nova V2676 Oph 2012
We present optical spectrophotometric and near-infrared (NIR) photometric observations of the nova V2676 Oph covering the period from 2012 March 29 through 2015 May 8. The... -
Galactic novae with m<=10 from 1900 to 2015
Despite its fundamental importance, a reliable estimate of the Galactic nova rate has remained elusive. Here, the overall Galactic nova rate is estimated by extrapolating the... -
Follow-up photometry of M101 OT2015-1
We present the results of optical, near-infrared, and mid-infrared observations of M101 OT2015-1 (PSN J14021678+5426205), a luminous red transient in the Pinwheel galaxy (M101),... -
Opt/NIR obs. of M31N 2008-12a 2015 eruption
The Andromeda Galaxy recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a had been observed in eruption 10 times, including yearly eruptions from 2008 to 2014. With a measured recurrence period of... -
HDS spectrum of nova V2659 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2014)
We report on high-dispersion spectroscopy results of a classical nova V2659 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2014) that are taken 33.05 days after the V-band maximum. The spectrum shows two... -
BVRcIcJHK and X-ray LCs of the U Sco nova
The recurrent nova U Scorpii most recently erupted in 2010. Our collaboration observed the eruption in bands ranging from the Swift XRT and UVOT w2 (193nm) to K-band (2200nm),... -
Nova CI Aql MMO light curve data
Pre-outburst and post-outburst light curves and post-outburst eclipse timings are analyzed to measure any period (P) change related to nova CI Aql's outburst of early 2000 and a... -
1898-2013 BV and visual photometry for V603 Aql
We present the light curve of the old nova V603 Aql (Nova Aql 1918) from 1898-1918 and 1934-2013 using 22721 archival magnitudes. All of our magnitudes are either in, or... -
Light curve of T Pyx from 1890 to 2011
We report the discovery by M. Linnolt on JD 2455665.7931 (UT 2011 April 14.29) of the sixth eruption of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis. This discovery was made just as the initial... -
Kinematical study of the optical ejecta of GK Per
We present a kinematical study of the optical ejecta of GK Per. It is based on proper-motion measurements of 282 knots from ~20 images spanning 25 years. Doppler shifts are also... -
Near-IR interferometry of nova Vul 2007
We used the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) to resolve 2.2{mu}m emission from the classical nova V458 Vul 2007 over the course of several days following its discovery on... -
Photometry during the 2010 eruption of U Sco
The eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii on 2010 January 28 is now the all-time best observed nova event. We report 36776 magnitudes throughout its 67 day eruption, for an... -
All quiescent magnitudes for CI Aql and U Sco
I report on the cumulative results from a program started 24 years ago designed to measure the orbital period change of recurrent novae (RNe) across an eruption. The goal is to... -
Survey of novae in M31
We report the results of a multi-year spectroscopic and photometric survey of novae in M31 that resulted in a total of 53 spectra of 48 individual nova candidates. Two of these,... -
Z And UBV photometry and equivalent widths
We describe observational evidence for a new kind of interacting binary star outburst that involves both an accretion instability and an increase in thermonuclear shell burning...