144 datasets found

Keywords: novae

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  • Cataclysmic Binaries and LMXB Catalogue

    Cataclysmic Binaries are semi-detached binaries consisting of a white dwarf or a white dwarf precursor primary and a low-mass secondary which is filling its critical Roche lobe....
  • Cataclysmic Binaries, LMXBs, and related objects

    Cataclysmic Binaries are semi-detached binaries consisting of a white dwarf or a white dwarf precursor primary and a low-mass secondary which is filling its critical Roche lobe....
  • Distances and extinction of Galactic novae

    Using photometric data for Galactic novae, we compared the Sharov (1963AZh....40..900S) and Schlegel et al. (1998ApJ...500..525S) interstellar extinction maps. We found the...
  • Photometric parameters of Galactic novae

    Based on visual estimates by AAVSO observers, we have constructed light curves for 80 Galactic novae flared up in 1986-2006 and determined the photometric parameters...
  • BVRI and fluxes of HM Sge in 1986-2000

    The results of BVRI photometric and spectroscopic observations of symbiotic Nova HM Sagittae were made in 1986-2002.
  • UBVR photometry of Nova Mon 2002 (V838 Mon)

    UBVR photometric and spectroscopic observations of V838 Mon during the outbursts.
  • IR photometry of V1016 Cyg and HM Sge

    JHKLM photometry of two symbiotic novae, V1016 Cyg and HM Sge in 1978-1999 is presented.
  • Northern CV secondary photometric standards

    An average of 11 B, V secondary standards per field have been established for 58 cataclysmic variable stars, most of which are nova-like variables. The standards are within a...
  • U Sco 2022 eruption light curves

    We present our optical photometric observations of the 2022 eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii (U Sco) using 49152 data points over 70d following the optical peak. We have...
  • Superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae

    Continuing the project described by Kato et al. (2009PASJ...61S.395K), we collected times of superhump maxima for 127 SU UMa-type dwarf novae observed mainly during the...
  • Superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae

    Continuing the project described by Kato et al. (2009PASJ...61S.395K), we collected times of superhump maxima for 128 SU UMa-type dwarf novae observed mainly during the...
  • Dwarf novae characterization using SDSS colors

    We have developed a method for estimating the orbital periods of dwarf novae from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) colors in quiescence using an artificial neural network....
  • BVRI photometry of nova V445 Pup

    V445 Pup was a peculiar nova having no hydrogen spectral lines in the outburst. The spectrum contained strong emission lines of carbon, oxygen, calcium, sodium and iron. We have...
  • BVRI photometry of Nova KT Eri 2009

    We obtained extensive new BVRcIc photometry of Nova KT Eri 2009 over a 539-day interval during the post-outburst quiescence, from 30 September 2011 to 22 March 2013 (days +684...
  • 2MASS photometry of cataclysmic variables

    Spatial distribution, galactic model parameters and luminosity function of cataclysmic variables (CVs) in the solar neighbourhood have been found using distances estimated from...
  • UBVRI light curves of Dwarf nova Peg 2010

    We present our UBVRcIc CCD photometry of a new dwarf nova OT J213806.6+261957 in Pegasus, discovered during its superoutburst on May 6, 2010 and classified as a WZ Sge-type...
  • V466 And UBV(RI)c light curves

    We present the UBV(RI)C photometry of a new dwarf nova V466 And, discovered during its superoutburst on Sept. 1.6, 2008 and classified as a WZ Sge-type object. In the first 11...
  • Nova Tri UBV(RI)c light curves

    We present the UBV(RI)c photometry of the dwarf nova Tri 2008 = OT J023839.1+355648 obtained during its superoutburst started on October 25, 2008. The object can be classified...
  • V392 Per. A gamma-ray bright nova

    V392 Persei is a known dwarf nova (DN) that underwent a classical nova eruption in 2018. Here we report ground-based optical, Swift UV and X-ray, and Fermi-LAT {gamma}-ray...
  • Superoutburst of 206 SU UMa-type dwarf novae

    SU UMa stars are characterized by 'superoutbursts', which are brighter at maximum light and which last much longer than the more frequent 'ordinary' outbursts of these dwarf...
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