144 datasets found

Keywords: novae

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  • R-band nova LCs in the bulge region of M31

    The results of a two-decade-long R-band photometric survey of novae in M31 are presented. From these data, R-band light curves have been determined for 180 novae with data...
  • AT 2019qyl UV-to-IR photometry and spectroscopy

    Nova eruptions, thermonuclear explosions on the surfaces of white dwarfs (WDs), are now recognized to be among the most common shock-powered astrophysical transients. We present...
  • V1016 Cyg light curves and spectroscopy

    As a result of the next cycle of our long-term monitoring, we present our UBV JHKLM photometry for the symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg in 2008-2014. The star continued to...
  • BVRI and fluxes of HM Sge in 1986-2000

    The results of BVRI photometric and spectroscopic observations of symbiotic Nova HM Sagittae were made in 1986-2002.
  • Dwarf novae characterization using SDSS colors

    We have developed a method for estimating the orbital periods of dwarf novae from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) colors in quiescence using an artificial neural network....
  • V392 Per. A gamma-ray bright nova

    V392 Persei is a known dwarf nova (DN) that underwent a classical nova eruption in 2018. Here we report ground-based optical, Swift UV and X-ray, and Fermi-LAT {gamma}-ray...
  • Photometry and spectroscopy of RN LMC 1968

    We present a comprehensive review of all observations of the eclipsing recurrent Nova LMC 1968 in the Large Magellanic Cloud which was previously observed in eruption in 1968,...
  • Study of spiral density waves in CVs

    Spiral density waves are thought to be excited in the accretion discs of accreting compact objects, including cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). Observational evidence has been...
  • Blobs in AT Cnc

    The Z Cam-type dwarf nova AT Cancri (AT Cnc) displays a classical nova (CN) shell, demonstrating that mass transfer in cataclysmic binaries decreases substantially after a CN...
  • Five decades 1-40GHz obs. of 36 classical novae

    We present radio observations (1-40GHz) for 36 classical novae, representing data from over five decades compiled from the literature, telescope archives, and our own programs....
  • Swift X-ray observations of classical novae. II.

    The Swift gamma-ray burst satellite is an excellent facility for studying novae. Its rapid response time and sensitive X-ray detector provides an unparalleled opportunity to...
  • KMTNet BVI LCs and spectroscopy of KSP-OT-201701a

    We present the first ever discovery of a short-period and unusually helium-deficient dwarf nova KSP-OT-201701a by the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network Supernova Program. The...
  • SOAR spectrum of V5558 Sgr (NOVA Sgr 2007)

    We explore the observational appearance of the merger of a low-mass star with a white dwarf (WD) binary companion. We are motivated by recent work finding that multiple tensions...
  • Fast-transients confirmed by ZTFReST & LCs

    The most common way to discover extragalactic fast transients, which fade within a few nights in the optical, is via follow-up of gamma-ray burst and gravitational-wave...
  • Subaru/HDS spectra of V5669 Sgr

    We report the new detection of ^7^BeII in the ultraviolet spectra of V5669 Sgr during its early decline phase (+24 and +28d). We identified three blueshifted absorption systems...
  • Swift-XRT light curves of 13 Galactic novae

    The detection of GeV {gamma}-ray emission from Galactic novae by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope has become routine since 2010, and is generally associated with shocks internal...
  • Spectroscopic observation of Nova Cas 2020 with FKO

    Nova Cas 2020 was a second example of a classical nova forming both C_2_ and CN molecules during its near-maximum phase. The formation C_2_ and CN is indicative of the...
  • gri photometry for 32 kilonovae with ZTF

    The first binary neutron star merger, GW170817, was accompanied by a radioactivity-powered optical/infrared transient called a kilonova. To date, no compelling kilonova has been...
  • 2016 eruption LC of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a

    Since its discovery in 2008, the Andromeda galaxy nova M31N 2008-12a has been observed in eruption every single year. This unprecedented frequency indicates an extreme object,...
  • Multiwavelength obs. of gamma-ray NOVA Sco 2012

    It has recently been discovered that some, if not all, classical novae emit GeV gamma-rays during outburst, but the mechanisms involved in the production of gamma-rays are still...
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