The structure of nanographene and nanographite intercalates in solution
We aim use SANS to study in situ structure of solutions of uncharged and charged graphene formed by dissolving graphite and graphite intercalation compounds. We wish to compare... -
Negatively-curved warped nanographene self-assembled on metal surfaces
In this work we characterize a conjugated polycyclic hydrocarbon containing multiple nonbenzenoid rings and exhibiting negative curvature—the warped nanographene C80H30. The... -
Synthesis and characterization of [7]triangulene
In this record we provide data to support our recent findings related to the fabrication of [7]triangulene. Triangulene and its π-extended homologues constitute non-Kekulé... -
On-Surface Synthesis of a Non-Planar Porous Nanographene
In a recent publication we demonstrated the on surface synthesis of a porous nanographene and we characterized its electronic properties combining spectroscopy experiments to... -
Open-shell Non-benzenoid Nanographenes Containing Two Pairs of Pentagonal and...
Nonbenzenoid carbocyclic rings are postulated to serve as important structural elements toward tuning the chemical and electronic properties of extended polycyclic aromatic... -
On-surface synthesis and characterization of super-nonazethrene
This record contains data to support the findings discussed in our recent work on the synthesis and characterization of super-nonazethrene. Beginning with the early work of Clar... -
Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains
Fractionalization is a phenomenon in which strong interactions in a quantum system drive the emergence of excitations with quantum numbers that are absent in the building... -
Topological frustration induces unconventional magnetism in a nanographene
The chemical versatility of carbon imparts manifold properties to organic compounds, where magnetism remains one of the most desirable but elusive. Polycyclic aromatic...