Interview met Mieke Albers, Ateliergebouw, 14 Januari 2025
Mieke Albers is geïnterviewd, met als doel het vastleggen van waardevolle informatie over de historische ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied Textielrestauratie en om inzicht te... -
Thickness measurements of the blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the...
Samples were embedded in expoxy resin and polished using silicon carbide papers to expose the internal shell. Light microscope images of embedded shells were taking with the... -
Surface area of the blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the east coas...
Valves were scanned using the computerized tomographer (CT), GE phoenix v|tome|x s240, at the American Museum of Natural History. Shell surface area and volume were calculated... -
Shape determination of the blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the ea...
Digital calipers were used to measure length (mm), width (mm) and height (mm). -
Density about blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the east coast of t...
Modified buoyant weight method was used to measure density and porosity. -
Collection information about blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled along the ...
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Morphological and Density measurements for blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) alon...
The dataset consists of morphology (length: width, length: height and surface area: volume ratios), density (bulk density, micro density and apparent porosity) and shell...