Annotated Route Description
This file set existing of a video stream, an audio stream and a multimodal annotation file is a frequently used as show case of how to do complex multimodal annotations with the... -
MUMIN Annotation Schemes for ANVIL and ELAN (2020-11-04)
A multimodal annotation scheme for the tool ANVIL (Kipp 2004) and a multimodal annotation template for the tool ELAN (Sloetjes and Wittenburg, 2008) implementing the MUMIN... -
MUMIN Annotation Scheme for ANVIL
A multimodal annotation scheme for the tool ANVIL (Kipp 2004) implementing the MUMIN framework. The scheme corresponds to the annotations used in the Danish NOMCO corpus. The... -
Source code and data for the PhD Thesis "Measuring the Contributions of Visio...
This dataset contains source code and data used in the PhD thesis "Measuring the Contributions of Vision and Text Modalities in Multimodal Transformers". The dataset is split...