EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock, ADCP sensor (NetCDF files from 2023...
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.... -
Vaarweg Eemshaven-Noordzee Inventariserend veldonderzoek (opwaterfase)
In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Noord-Nederland en Rijkswaterstaat Noordzee heeft Periplus Archeomare BV in samenwerking met Rijkswaterstaat Noordzee en ADC ArcheoProjecten een... -
SonarScope software
The SonarScope software provides an innovative and high-performance environment for the analysis of data coming from multibeam echosounders and sonars. The SonarScope software... -
Boundary Layer Turbulence and Abyssal Recipes (BLT): Multibeam Bathymetry Dat...
These data were collected as part of the Boundary Layer Turbulence and Abyssal Recipes (BLT Recipes) Experiment which focused on near-bottom processes within a continental slope... -
EM2040C Multibeam sonar water-column data (200, 300, 400 kHz) acquired over a...
Multibeam sonar water-column data show potential for the detection of aquatic vegetation that extends significantly from the seabed, such as kelp, and may therefore contribute... -
EM2040CD Multibeam Echo Sounder water-column data (300 KHz) acquired in the n...
The present data is shared in order to reproduce a study aimed to automatically extract and identify targets (gas seeps, fish schools and noise) from the water column using... -
EM304 multibeam data - Blackmud canyon
This dataset presents EM304 multibeam echosounder acoustic data, collected over BlackMud Canyon on the continental shelf edge in Northern Bay of Biscay. Data files include...