dphase_inmsreps: INM-SREPS Multi-Model Multi-Boundaries Short Range EPS run b...
INMSREPS is 20 Member Multi-Model, Multi-Boundaries on 0.25 degree horizontal resolution with 40 vertical levels running twice a dayat 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast from HH+00h upto... -
dphase_lami7: Limited Area Model Italy forecasts (COSMO model, 7 km) run by A...
lami7 stands for 'Limited Area Model Italy' which is the Italian implementation of COSMO Model, run with a 7 km grid interval. COSMO model in lami7 suite is run operationally... -
dphase_isacmol2: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by ECMWF forecasts r...
The forecasting chain is based on the 18 UTC, ECMWF forecasts at 0.25 degree resolution. The chain comprises the hydrostatic model BOLAM, which is driven directly by the global... -
dphase_isacmol: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by GFS forecasts run ...
The forecasting chain is based on the 00 UTC, GFS forecasts at 0.5 degree resolution. The chain comprises the hydrostatic model BOLAM, which is driven directly by the global... -
dphase_arome: AROME +30hours forecasts run by Meteo-France CNRM/GAME for the ...
AROME (Application of Research to Operational at Meso-Scale) model is a new NWP system built in order to improve the forecast of mesoscale phenomena and extreme weather events... -
dphase_aladfr: ALADIN-France operational model forecasts run by Meteo-France ...
ALADIN is the operational model at Meteo-France. The horizontal resolution is 9.5km, the time step : 415s with a Semi-lagrangian scheme. There are 46 vertical levels with 15... -
dphase_cosmoch7: COSMO model forecasts (7 km) run by MeteoSwiss for the MAP D...
operational model of MeteoSwiss - configuration: Leap frog time integration; Tiedtke convection scheme with moisture convergence closure; two layer soil... -
dphase_cosmoch2: COSMO model forecasts (2.2 km) run by MeteoSwiss for the MAP...
preoperational model (planned to become operational in 2008) - configuration: Runge Kutta time integration scheme (dt=20sek); multi layer soil module; no... -
dphase_cleps: COSMO-LEPS forecasts run by ARPA-SIM for the MAP D-PHASE project
cleps stands for COSMO-LEPS, the Limited-area Ensemble Prediction System implemented and developed by ARPA-SIM in the framework of COSMO consortium. This... -
dphase_lami28: Limited Area Model Italy forecasts (COSMO model, 2.8 km) run b...
lami28 stands for 'Limited Area Model Italy' which is the Italian implementation of COSMO Model, run with a 2.8 km grid interval. COSMO model in lami28 suite is run... -
RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5... -
RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5... -
Derived data products analyzed and presented in the manuscript "Martian Equat...
The data includes sol-averaged pressure for MSL, InSight and MCD predictions ("fig1_left_panel_data.csv"). Also diurnal range of pressure for both platforms... -
Derived data products analyzed and presented in the manuscript "Martian Equat...
The data includes sol-averaged pressure for MSL, InSight and MCD predictions ("fig1_left_panel_data.csv"). Also diurnal range of pressure for both platforms... -
Derived data products analyzed and presented in the manuscript "Martian Equat...
The data includes sol-averaged pressure for MSL, InSight and MCD predictions ("fig1_left_panel_data.csv"). Also diurnal range of pressure for both platforms... -
RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5...