Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Project...
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the CAM4[1]/CLM4 [2] (CAM4-2degree) AGCM developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research – Department of Energy (NCAR-DOE).... -
Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Project...
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the NorESM1-HAPPI [1] AGCM developed by the NCC (NorESM Climate modeling Consortium). This CERA experiment includes... -
Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Project...
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the ECHAM6.3 [1] AGCM developed by the MPI-M (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology). This CERA experiment includes... -
Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Project...
Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the MIROC5 [1] AGCM developed by the University of Tokyo, NIES and JAMSTEC (MIROC). This CERA experiment includes... -
The long-term dataset of High Resolution Atmospheric Forcing Fields (HiResAFF...
High RESolution Atmospheric Forcing Fields (HiResAFF) consist of key meteorological variables on daily scale which are typically used to drive ocean or ecosystem models. The... -
Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Project...
Please note that data representing a warmer future climate are flawed by the use of incorrect sea ice coverage data. All data of the 1.5°C and the 2.0°C experiment of this CERA... -
COSMO-CLM simulation for Bohai, Yellow and East China Sea for 1979 - 2013
COSMO-CLM simulation for Bohai, Yellow and East China Sea: System Analysis and Modelling Group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and... -
Regional climate model hindcasts for Siberia over the last decades based on t...
These are two atmospheric hourly hindcasts for Siberia using COSMO-CLM (CCLM) version 4.8_clm_11 with spectral nudging. The hindcast CCLM_sib_NCEP1 covers a period from... -
coastDat-1 Waves Baltic Sea
The data are from multi-decadal hindcast simulation with the wave model WAM 4.5 covering the entire Baltic Sea using a grid size of about 5.5x5.5 km (0.05... -
coastDat-1 Tide-Surge North Sea hydrodynamic hindcast (1958-2004)
The data are from a multi-decadal tide-surge hindcast 1958-2004 for the North Sea using the TELEMAC2D model. Data (sea surface elevation, depth averaged currents) are available... -
coastDat-1 SN-REMO spectral nudging North Atlantic/Europe atmospheric hindcas...
This is an atmospheric hourly hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using REMO with spectral nudging from 1948-2007. The model uses a rotated grid with 81 x 91 grid... -
coastDat-1 Waves North Sea wave spectra hindcast (1948-2007)
The data are from multi-decadal hindcast simulation with the wave model WAM 4.5 covering the Southern North Sea (51-56.5 N and -3W-10.5E) using a grid... -
coastDat-1 HAMSOM baroclinic hydrodynamic hindcast (1948-2007) North Sea
The experiment contains baroclinic hindcast simulations of the North Sea by the hydrodynamic model HAMSOM (Pohlmann, 2006) for the period 1948-2007. HAMSOM was set up at a... -
dphase_larsimby: hydrological model LARSIM (Bavaria) forecasts run by WWA-KE ...
Hydrological forecasts with hydrological model LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoof Simulation Model, BY=Bavaria, Conceptual RR-model. Forecast depth: 72 hours.) for rivers Iller... -
dphase_larsimbw: hydrological model LARSIM (Baden-Wuerttemberg) forecasts run...
LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoff Simulation Model BW= Baden-Wuerttemberg) is described in "Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie", Band 22. 2006 (Ludwig, K.; Bremicker, M.: The... -
dphase_fest: hydrological model FEST run by Politecnico di Milano for the MAP...
The goal of the experiment is to drive FEST, a rainfall-runoff distributed model with continuous soil moisture account, with ensemble forecasts from COSMO-LEPS (CLEPS) and with... -
dphase_dimosop: hydrological model DIMOSOP run by University of Brescia for t...
The hydrological model DIMOSOP was run by University of Brescia with three different atmospheric forcings and different runoff forecast times. For more... -
dphase_hbv: hydrological model HBV runoff forecasts in the Rhine basin run by...
FOEN is using the Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) with the hydrological model HBV for operational flood forecasts in the swiss part of the Rhine basin. With respect to MAP... -
dphase_mesonh8: Meso-NH forecasts (8km) run by University of Toulouse for the...
The horizontal grid spacing is here 8 km. The domain size is 160 x 108 gridpoints covering the MAP D-PHASE domain. The vertical grid has 50 levels up to 20... -
dphase_mesonh2: Meso-NH forecasts (2km) run by University of Toulouse for the...
The horizontal grid spacing for MESONH is here 2 km. The domain size is 192 x 180 gridpoints covering the COPS area. The vertical grid has 50 levels up to...