Alkenone unsaturation index (UK'37) and derived sea surface temperature again...
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First principal component (PC1) of elemental abundances determined by micro-X...
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Crenarchaeol-caldarchaeol tetraether index (CCaT) and derived sea surface tem...
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Low-resolution alkenone content, unsaturation index (UK'37), and derived sea ...
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Low-resolution GDGT content, crenarchaeol-caldarchaeol tetraether index (CCaT...
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First principal component (PC1) of elemental abundances determined by micro-X...
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Crenarchaeol-caldarchaeol tetraether index (CCaT) and uncertainty estimates a...
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Sub-annual alkenone, GDGT, and elemental micro-XRF data from laminated 20th c...
The data set contains alkenone and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) reconstructed sea surface temperatures, and elemental counts from northeast Arabian Sea box core... -
Carbonate clumped isotope data of the shells of A. benedeni benedeni specimen...
This dataset contains carbonate clumped isotope data of the shells of A. benedeni benedeni specimens SG-126 and SG-127 as well as used standards (ETH1, ETH2, ETH3, Merck,... -
Multiproxy dataset measured on the shells of extinct bivalve Angulus benedeni...
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Electron backscatter diffraction maps of thin sections of A. benedeni beneden...
This dataset (.crc and .cpr files) contain electron backscatter diffraction maps of thin sections of A. benedeni benedeni specimens SG-125, SG-126, and SG-127. Also included are... -
Oxygen and carbon isotope data of the shells of A. benedeni benedeni specimen...
This dataset contains oxygen and carbon isotope data of the shells of A. benedeni benedeni specimens SG-126 and SG-127, as well as two in-house standards (Naxos,... -
Elemental distributions in the uppermost Permian Changxing Fm. in the Meishan...
An M4 Tornado Micro-XRF spectrometer system (Bruker Nano Analytics) equipped with micro-focused Rh source (50 kV, 600 µA) and poly-capillary optics (25-µm spot size) was used... -
An expanded record of proxy data in the uppermost Permian Changxing Fm. in th...
The end-Permian mass extinction (EPME) is the severest mass extinction event in the Phanerozoic eon. According to the general hypothesis, the mass extinction was caused mainly... -
Loss on ignition, dry bulk density and micro-XRF data of Orakei Basin (New Ze...
Dry bulk density (g/cm3) and loss on ignition (%) of 1674 samples from Orakei Basin (Auckland Volcanic Field maar lake, New Zealand) on the event corrected depth scale (ECD; m)... -
Micro-XRF data of Orakei Basin (New Zealand)
Presented are 87645 Itrax micro-XRF elemental downcore variation data points from Orakei Basin on the ECD scale and on the age scale. The ECD was developed in Peti and... -
Micro-X-ray fluorescence elemental data of the shell of A. benedeni benedeni ...
This dataset (XRF_Benedeni_benedeni_SG-125_126_127_crosslines_cal.csv) contains micro-X-ray fluorescence elemental data of the shell of A. benedeni benedeni specimens SG-125,... -
X-ray diffraction data of powder drilled from the aragonitic shell of a moder...
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