Data från ett plottexperiment i Lönnstorp, Sverige, som blandar raps (OSR) me...
Data was generated from a plot experiment in Lönnstorp, Sweden intercropping oilseed rape (OSR) with various legumes to assess pests, pathogens and weeds 2019-2020. For more... -
INDILACT – Förlängd frivillig väntetid för förstakalvare. Del 1: randomiserad...
The objective of the study is to investigate how an extended voluntary waiting period between calving and first insemination in primiparous cows would affect milk production and... -
INDILACT – Förlängd frivillig väntetid för förstakalvare. Del 1: randomiserad...
The objective of the study is to investigate how an extended voluntary waiting period between calving and first insemination in primiparous cows would affect milk production and... -
INDILACT – Förlängd frivillig väntetid för förstakalvare. Del 1: randomiserad...
The objective of the study is to investigate how an extended voluntary waiting period between calving and first insemination in primiparous cows would affect milk production and... -
A richer community of Botryosphaeriaceae within a less diverse community of f...
Botryosphaeriaceae are a diverse group of endophytic fungi colonizing the inner tissue of many woody species. As opportunist pathogens, they have been increasingly involved in...