Magnetometer station Macapa, Brazil, calibrated 1-second geomagnetic data.
This dataset contains 1-second geomagnetic vector and scalar data from the magnetometer station Macapa. The data is from 15-Nov-2019 to 07-Dec-2019, from 07-Feb-2020 to... -
Hourly mean values of the geomagnetic field horizontal component H at the geo...
This dataset comprises hourly mean values of the horizontal geomagnetic field component H measured at the geomagnetic observatories Tatuoca (TTB, latitude: -1.205°, longitude:... -
Hourly mean values of the horizontal component at the geomagnetic observatory...
The dataset contains hourly mean values (HMV) of the horizontal magnetic field component H as measured at the geomagnetic observatory Huancayo for 1958 to 2013. Huancayo... -
Preliminary minute means Geomagnetic Observatory Tatuoca (TTB), 2008 to 2017
This dataset comprises preliminary minute means of the XYZ (X=geographic north, Y=geographic east, Z=downward) magnetic field components measured at the geomagnetic observatory...