745 datasets found

Keywords: magellanic clouds

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  • LMC photometric maps from OGLE-III shallow survey

    We present photometric maps based on data from the shallow survey in the Large Magellanic Cloud performed as the supplementary project during the third phase of the Optical...
  • OGLE3 Magellanic Clouds High proper motion stars

    We present the results of a search for High Proper Motion (HPM) stars, i.e., the ones with pm>100mas/yr, in the direction to the Magellanic Clouds. This sky area was not...
  • OGLE high proper motion stars towards MC

    We present a catalog of high proper motion (HPM) stars detected in the foreground of central parts of the Magellanic Clouds. The Catalog contains 2161 objects in the 4.5 square...
  • UBV photometry of LMC foreground stars

    UBV photometry of 955 galactic foreground stars in the direction to the Large Magellanic Cloud is presented. The stars have been chosen from foreground star catalogues and have...
  • Grids of stellar models. II.

    Continuing the effort to provide a homogeneous base of extensive and accurate grids of stellar models covering a wide range of metallicities we present a new grid of stellar...
  • Blue stars between Magellanic Clouds

    We present a list of 1679 blue stars located in a region of the Southern sky between the Magellanic Clouds. Equatorial coordinates and photographic V and B-V are given for stars...
  • LMC faint stars BV photometry

    Photometric data on the Johnson BV system are given for 947 stars in a field close to the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The data have been determined from electronographs...
  • BV photometry in the LMC bar

    We present B, V magnitudes and relative positions for all brighter than V=18.3 in a field of 0.02 square degrees near the north west end of the Large Magellanic Cloud bar. These...
  • ROSAT HRI catalogue of LMC X-ray sources

    The ROSAT HRI LMC source catalogue is based on all 543 pointed observations of the ROSAT HRI between 1990 and 1998 with exposure times higher than 50 sec. The observations...
  • SMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue

    We present a catalogue of 517 discrete X-ray sources in a 6{deg}x6{deg} field covering the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The catalogue was derived from the pointed ROSAT PSPC...
  • LMC X-ray sources ROSAT PSPC catalogue

    We analyzed more than 200 ROSAT PSPC observations in a 10 by 10 degree field centered on the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and performed between 1990 and 1994 to derive a...
  • Radio continuum study of the MC

    We present a study of discrete radio sources in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) using the latest large-scale radio surveys made with the Parkes radio telescope between 1.4 and...
  • Radio continuum study of the MC

    By comparing Parkes telescope radio surveys with the X-ray ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) we have found 71 discrete sources of both radio and X-ray emission in the Large Magellanic...
  • Compact Radio Sources in & behind LMC catalogue

    We present the results of a continuum snapshot survey of a 3x4{deg}^2^ region of the Large Magellanic Cloud including the area of the giant molecular cloud and the 30 Doradus...
  • Radio continuum study of the MC

    From observations with the Parkes radio telescope, we present catalogues of radio sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud at four frequencies: 1.40, 2.45, 4.75 and 8.55GHz, and an...
  • LMC catalogue in Galactic Plane

    Understanding the 3D structure of the Milky Way is a crucial step in deriving properties of the star-forming regions, as well as the Galaxy as a whole. We present a novel 3D map...
  • Binary central stars of LMC PNe

    Close binary central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) must have formed through a common envelope evolution during the giant phase experienced by one of the stars. Transfer of...
  • DLA QSO, GRB and stars column densities

    The evolution of cosmic dust content and the cycle between metals and dust in the interstellar medium (ISM) play a fundamental role in galaxy evolution. The chemical enrichment...
  • NGC 330 seen by MUSE III.

    The origin of initial rotation rates of stars, and how a star's surface rotational velocity changes during the evolution, either by internal angular momentum transport or due to...
  • Semi-regular red giants as distance indicators

    Semi-regular variables (SRVs) are similar to Miras in brightness, and they also follow PLRs, though not necessarily the same as Miras. As potential standard candles they are...
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