Element analysis of sediment core SO217-18522 (GIK18522-3)
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Elemental composition of sediment core MD06-3075
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Fe/Ca ratios of splice sediment cores GeoB3375-1 and GeoB15016
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Elemental ratio analysis from sediment core GIK18522-2
This dataset presents a high-resolution record of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)-scanner derived of elemental ratios in terrigenous discharge from northeastern Kalimantan and... -
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) data sediment core SEAL-20230070
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Log (Zr/Fe) and log (Fe/Ca) XRF scan of ODP Hole 122-762B
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Log (Zr/Fe) and log (Fe/Ca) XRF scan of sediment core MD00-2361
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X-ray fluorescence scanning data (Ca, Ti, Fe, Ba) of sediment core GeoB12605-3
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XRF data of sediment core FR1/94-GC3 from the East Tasman Plateau, Australia
Model 10kV (Cr) 150 noise (due to negative counts for K at 100 noise the 10kV model was run with 150 noise).Model 30kV thin (sed) -
(Fig. 2) Log (Fe/Ca) XRF scan of sediment core MD00-2361
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