Local genetic adaptation to habitat in wild chimpanzees
This directory contains data used in Ostridge et al. (2025) likelihoods, Science. genotype_likelihoods/data - This directory contains ANGSD output files for all the SNPs and... -
Microsatellite typing data for Labonne et al. 2020 - Genes special issue
These data files provide the genotypes for 15 microsatellite markers in two populations using the NewHybrids format file, in order to determine the pedigree of individuals. They... -
Data and Jags code for Folio et al. : Genotype by environment interaction dri...
This dataset contains data and code regarding a manuscript submitted to Evolutionary Applications: "Genotype by environment interaction drives the maintenance of genetic... -
RawData Gautier-et-al EcolEvol
Hatching percentage of each pair of nematode/potato (each line is a replicate) -
Simulated genetic data in a hierarchical metapopulation structure
The data are linked to a research article entitled: “Interactions between microenvironment, selection and genetic architecture drive multiscale adaptation in a simulation... -
Replication Data for: Experimental island biogeography demonstrates the impor...
Data on population dynamics (two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae) on (tomato) islands and data on female fecundity during an evolutionary experiment. The experiment... -
Replication Data for: The demographic consequences of adaptation: Evidence fr...
This data set consists of three Excel data files and two R-scripts to process the data. File Adaptation affects demography_Rscript_R.Rmd is the main script that uses both data... -
Replication Data for: Microbiome heritability and its role in adaptation of h...
The repository contains the R-script and datasets to reproduce all the results, tables and figures presented in the article. -
Replication Data for: Transient local adaptation and source-sink dynamics in ...
The dataset consists of two data files (.csv) and an R Markdown script file (.Rmd). The code in the script file is divided in four major blocks: Loading data: the required...