Properties of Collinder 69 low-mass members
Most observational studies conducted so far point toward brown dwarfs sharing a similar formation mechanism as the one that is accepted for low-mass stars. However, larger... -
QSOs CaII absorbers
We present a systematic study of weak intervening CaII absorbers at low redshift (z<0.5), based on the analysis of archival high-resolution (R>=45000) optical spectra of... -
EW of 6 subgiants of {omega} Cen
We analysed high-resolution UVES spectra of six stars belonging to the subgiant branch of {omega} Centauri, and derived abundance ratios of 19 chemical elements (namely Al, Ba,... -
NGC6397 red giants chemical composition
The chemical compositions of globular clusters provide important information on the star formation that occurred at very early times in the Galaxy. In particular the abundance... -
Galaxy population of Abell 1367
Spectroscopic and photometric data of the galaxy population of the galaxy cluster Abell 1367, over a field of 34'x90', covering the cluster centre out to a radius of ~2.2Mpc,... -
Physical properties of VVDS galaxies
We want to derive the mass-metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies up to z~0.9, using data from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. The mass-metallicity relation is commonly... -
XMM-Newton obs, in Cha I South
We report on a 30ks XMM-Newton observation of the central region of the Cha I star forming cloud. The field includes a substantial fraction of the known pre-main-sequence... -
Equivalent widths of VMF73 and VMF74 galaxies
We present a spectroscopic analysis of two galaxy clusters out to ~4Mpc at z~0.2. The two clusters VMF73 and VMF74 identified by Vikhlinin et al. (1998, Cat. ) were observed... -
VLT spectroscopy of Tol 1214-277 & Tol 65
We present VLT spectroscopic observations with different spectral resolutions and different slit orientations of the two metal-deficient blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies Tol... -
YSOs in LDN 1641 with Hectochelle spectra
We investigate the young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Lynds 1641 (L1641) cloud using multi-wavelength data including Spitzer, WISE, the Two Micron All Sky Survey, and XMM... -
Abundances of the brightest member of Tuc III
Chemically peculiar stars in dwarf galaxies provide a window for exploring the birth environment of stars with varying chemical enrichment. We present a chemical abundance... -
Spectroscopic obs. of 2 red giant stars in omega Cen
We present a chemical abundance analysis of a metal-poor star, ROA276, in the stellar system {omega} Centauri. We confirm that this star has an unusually high [Sr/Ba] abundance...