Carbon isotope values of n-alkane leaf waxes extracted from plants and soils
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Salinity reconstructions of ODP Site 145-887 (Table S3)
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Isotope values of leaf tissues, leaf waxes, and xylem waters across elevation...
Leaves and woody stems as well as soils and surface waters were collected from two elevational gradient transects across the Coastal and Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern... -
Spatial variability in sub-photic zone nitrate δ15N and surface mass balance ...
Geographic information, surface mass balance (SMB) data, and sub-photic zone (>0.3 m) nitrate concentration and nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15NNO3) for 135 sites across... -
Hydrographic and pore water, core incubation, and sediment leachate geochemic...
This data set includes hydrographic and pore water and core incubation silicic acid concentration and isotope measurements, sediment Si-HCl and Si-Alk contents and isotope... -
Sediment Si-HCl, Si-Alk geochemical data from southwest Greenland fjord
Method description'Si-HCl content' indicates the content of HCl leached amorphous silica following a sequential extraction method from Michalopoulos and Aller (2004,... -
Pore water geochemical data from southwest Greenland fjords
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Core incubation geochemical data from southwest Greenland fjords
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Pollen record of ODP Hole 122-763A
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Bulk organic δ13C of sediment core LMAHA-18 from lake Mahasarika, northern Ma...
The datasets provided here correspond to sedimentary charcoal counts, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and δ13C isotopic measurements obtained from a lacustrine sediment... -
Magnetic susceptibility of sediment core LMAHA-18 from lake Mahasarika, north...
The datasets provided here correspond to sedimentary charcoal counts, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and δ13C isotopic measurements obtained from a lacustrine sediment... -
Charcoal concentration of sediment core LMAHA-18 from lake Mahasarika, northe...
The datasets provided here correspond to sedimentary charcoal counts, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and δ13C isotopic measurements obtained from a lacustrine sediment... -
Soil nitrogen isotope database
This dataset comprises a compilation of soil bulk delta-15-N nitrogen isotopic composition that has been measured and/or published since the compilation of d15N data by Craine... -
Stable isotope composition of atmospheric water input between 2012 and 2014 a...
The dataset provides detailed information about the stable isotope composition of different precipitation types (rainfall, fog, throughfall). It was manually collected on up to... -
Alkane content of ODP Hole 122-763A
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Oxygen and hydrogen isotope values of xylem water
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Oxygen and hydrogen isotope values of surface water
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Hydrogen isotope values of n-alkane leaf waxes extracted from plants and soils
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Carbon and nitrogen isotope values of bulk leaf material
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Diatom isotope data and salinity reconstructions from ODP Site 887, subarctic...
Understanding the response of the climate to abrupt changes in the Earth system represents a key objective in paleoclimatology. Heinrich events in the last glacial, during which...