Annotated corpora and tools of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identific...
The PARSEME shared task aims at identifying verbal MWEs in running texts. Verbal MWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light verb constructions (make a decision),... -
Annotated corpora and tools of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identific...
This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated. VMWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light-verb constructions (make... -
Annotated corpora and tools of the PARSEME Shared Task on Semi-Supervised Ide...
This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated, gathered at the occasion of the 1.2 edition of the PARSEME Shared Task on... -
PARSEME corpora annotated for verbal multiword expressions (version 1.3)
This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated. VMWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light-verb constructions (make...