Vpliv informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij na organizacijsko učenje in us...
Cilj raziskave je bil raziskati vpliv informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij na organizacijsko učenje in uspešnost poslovanja slovenskih podjetij ter predstaviti in... -
Vpliv informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij na organizacijsko učenje in us...
Cilj raziskave je bil raziskati vpliv informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij na organizacijsko učenje in uspešnost poslovanja slovenskih podjetij ter predstaviti in... -
Werken in de ICT : Onder welke voorwaarden
Description of respondents contractual position / job description / terms of employment, if not applicable: advisability of such terms, how to organise the realisation and... -
ICT-gebruik op scholen - ICTS 2001
Survey concerning computer skills of secondary school pupils. The schools concerned are pre-vocational secondary schools (VMBO) grade 3, senior general secondary schools... -
ICT in het dagelijks leven van bewoners in Kenniswijk, 2003 : Nulmeting
This is a preliminary description: Survey of Kenniswijk ( designated regions in the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Helmond), aimed at describing the use of information- and... -
ICT-Monitor 1999-2000
On an annual basis, the ICT-monitor reports on the state-of-the-art of the policy, infrastructure, and actual use of Information and Communication Technology in Dutch education.... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2001
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether respondent and parents were born in the Netherlands / occupation, ever had paid work, type of work / education /... -
ICT-Monitor 1998-1999
On an annual basis, the ICT-monitor reports on the state-of-the-art of the policy, infrastructure, and actual use of Information and Communication Technology in Dutch... -
Competenties van werknemers in de informatiemaatschappij, 2002 : Een survey o...
Survey concerning the adaptability of employees to new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) -developments. Characteristics of company and department where respondent... -
Extern management van automatisering 1995 - MAT'95
A survey of the management of the purchase of information technology - IT products by small and medium sized enterprises in the Netherlands. Characteristics of buyer,... -
Controlling working crowds: The impact of digitalization on worker autonomy a...
This study investigates the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on worker autonomy and monitoring using the second wave of the German Linked Personnel...