(Table 5) Chemical composition of ashes and sediments from DSDP Holes 69-505 ...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. # = Precision is 2-3% of the amount present. Samples were sieved through 63 µ mesh before analysis to remove any rust contaminants from the... -
Distribution of End-Functionalized Polymers in Semi-Crystalline Blends
Although the surface properties and self-organisation of end-functional polymers in amorphous blends are well understood, the influence of crystallinity has received little... -
Cs mixed cation lead perovskites
Organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskites combine the optoelectronic properties commonly associated with high performance semiconductors with materials synthesis or processing... -
A determination of CO2 molecule sites for CO2 adsorbed K2x/3Cu(Fe(CN)6)2/3 wi...
Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) have attracted broad attention for various applications because they are relatively cheap, environmentally friendly and can easily be scaled-up....