Anketa o bralnih navadah in angažiranosti študentov
Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšne zaloge socialnega in človeškega kapitala imajo študentje ter kakšne so njihove bralne navede. Poleg tega anketa vsebuje vprašanja, s... -
Geografski pogledi na družbo znanja, 2012
Raziskave o družbi znanja, regionalnih inovacijskih sistemih in njihovem prispevku h gospodarski rasti so v znanstveni literaturi že uveljavljene. Raziskava temelji na... -
Occupational Panel on Tasks and Education (OPTE) for Western Germany from 197...
================================================================================ Deutsche Version (English version below)... -
Did Protestantism promote prosperity via higher human capital? Replicating th...
This paper shows that the Becker-Woessmann reformulation of the Weber thesis-Protestants were more prosperous in 19th-century Prussia because they had higher human capital-is... -
Job Mobility and Sorting: Theory and Evidence (replication data)
Motivated by the canonical (random) on-the-job search model, I measure a person’s ability to sort into higher ranked jobs by the risk ratio of job-to-job transitions to... -
Replication Data for Chapter 5: Rural roads, Child labor, and Schooling in Ru...
New roads bring new opportunities including access to employment. However, new employment opportunities might encourage early school dropout and school absenteeism. We... -
Replication Data for Chapter 4: Effects of HIV on human capital investment in...
This dataset contains demographic and health survey data for Zimbabwe (DHS) and the applicable STATA .do file