Klimathistorisk databas för Sverige 1500-1870
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Skånes ekonomisk-demografiska databas (SEDD)
The Scanian Economic Demographic Database (SEDD) is based on family reconstitutions for nine rural parishes (Ekeby, Frillestad, Halmstad, Hässlunda, Hög, Kågeröd, Kävlinge,... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_2
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_3
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_4
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_5
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Frågor angående religiösa föreställningar och kyrklig sed
When this study began in the 1940s the researchers set out with the view that a formerly more or less universal Swedish unitary ecclesiastic culture was in the process of... -
Svensk valkorruption i historisk-komparativt perspektiv - Variabeldata
This is a study of historical election related legal cases in Sweden. Documentation is only available in Swedish. Purpose: The aim of this research project is to describe and... -
Arkeologiska elitindikatorer från Östergötlands yngre järnålder
The Swedish province of Östergötland has long been recognised as one of the 1st millennium's political hot spots. Splendid single finds, though never before surveyed... -
Från Sundsvall till Saltsjöbaden: ett regionalt perspektiv på strejker på sve...
The project assembles a unique regional panel-dataset on strikes and lockouts (work stoppages) between 1859 and 1938. The regional dimension allows to use communities as... -
Ojämlikhetsmått baserade på valdata 1871 och 1892 för svenska kommuner
The data contains inequality measures at the municipality-level for 1892 and 1871, as estimated in the PhD thesis "Institutions, Inequality and Societal Transformations" by Sara... -
Finansiering av staten: statliga skatteintäkter från 1800 till 2012
This dataset presents information on historical central government revenues for 31 countries in Europe and the Americas for the period from 1800 (or independence) to 2012. The... -
Klimathistorisk databas för Sverige 1500-1870
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited... -
Tidigare arkeologiska undersökningar längs Ostlänken-korridoren 1965-2012: He...
See description in Swedish. The ZIP file contains data in the form of four Shape files with information on trenches, features and other metadata from the archaeological... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Skånes ekonomisk-demografiska databas (SEDD)
The Scanian Economic Demographic Database (SEDD) is based on family reconstitutions for nine rural parishes (Ekeby, Frillestad, Halmstad, Hässlunda, Hög, Kågeröd, Kävlinge,... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political...