Research data for the publication "Learning reshapes the hippocampal represen...
Research data for the article "Learning reshapes the hippocampal representation hierarchy" from Chiossi et al. (PNAS, 2025). The data includes hippocampal CA1 unit activity and... -
Morpho-electric diversity of human hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
Hippocampal pyramidal neuron activity underlies episodic memory and spatial navigation. Although extensively studied in rodents, extremely little is known about human... -
The stress-buffering role of friendships in young people with childhood threa...
A total of N = 102 young people (aged 16–26) with low to moderate CA were included in the study. We first investigated associations between friendship quality, mental health,... -
Subiculum neuron data from adult and developing rats
The data contained in these files represent extracellular recordings of action potentials obtained from awake and freely-moving rats. Rats explored open arenas of different... -
Post-retrieval stress impairs subsequent memory depending on hippocampal memo...
Stress after retrieval can impair future remembering. These memory impairments may be attributed to a weakening of the original memory during reactivation-dependent... -
Post-retrieval stress impairs subsequent memory depending on hippocampal memo...
Stress after retrieval can impair future remembering. These memory impairments may be attributed to a weakening of the original memory during reactivation-dependent... -
Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist ...
Main and extended data figures for the paper "Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist during both locomotion and immobility" by Dunn et al.... -
Grieves et al. (2019) The place-cell representation of volumetric space in ra...
High-res figures and videos published in:Roddy M. Grieves, Selim Jedidi-Ayoub, Karyna Mishchanchuk, Anyi Liu, Sophie Renaudineau and Kate J. Jeffery (2019) The place-cell... -
The place-cell representation of volumetric space in rats: Main analysis code...
Matlab code used to analyse and generate figures for:Roddy M. Grieves, Selim Jedidi-Ayoub, Karyna Mishchanchuk, Anyi Liu, Sophie Renaudineau and Kate J. Jeffery (2019) The... -
Place-cell representation of volumetric space in rats
Summarised dataset in Matlab compatible files used to analyse and generate figures for:Roddy M. Grieves, Selim Jedidi-Ayoub, Karyna Mishchanchuk, Anyi Liu, Sophie Renaudineau...