38 datasets found

Keywords: high velocity stars

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  • Spectroscopically Selected Halo K Giants

    The catalog results from a survey for distant Field K giants in the Galactic halo made for purposes of locating a chemically and kinematically unbiased sample out to about 25...
  • Runaway and walkaway stars from the ONC

    Theory predicts that we should find fast, ejected (runaway) stars of all masses around dense, young star-forming regions. N-body simulations show that the number and...
  • Correlations in unbound star trajectories

    Scattering events with compact objects are expected in the primordial black hole (PBH) cold dark matter (CDM) scenario, due to close encounters between stars and PBHs in the...
  • UBVRI photometry of NLTT stars

    UBVRI photometry is presented for a sample of 1656 southern stars, including 1211, that were previously not measured, drawn from the NLTT (Luyten, 1979; catalogue I/98)...
  • Southern stars of high radial velocity

    Slit spectra have been obtained for 82 stars for which the objective-prism radial-velocity catalogue of Stock lists velocities over 130km/s in magnitude. The slit spectra reveal...
  • Catalog of 519 high velocity stars (HiVels)

    Utilizing astrometric parameters sourced from Gaia Data Release 3 and radial velocities obtained from various spectroscopic surveys, we identify 519 high-velocity stars (HiVels)...
  • Abundances in HD 181327 with MIKE

    It has been suggested that {beta}Picb has a supersolar metallicity and subsolar C/O ratio. Assuming solar carbon and oxygen abundances for the star {beta}Pic and therefore the...
  • EXPRES. IV. Two Additional Planets Orbiting

    Thousands of exoplanet detections have been made over the last 25 years using Doppler observations, transit photometry, direct imaging, and astrometry. Each of these methods is...
  • EXPRES radial volocity for {tau} Ceti

    To accurately characterize the planets a star may be hosting, stellar parameters must first be well determined. {tau}Ceti is a nearby solar analog and often a target for...
  • HIRES / HARPS-N radial velocities of Kepler-102

    Radial velocity (RVel) measurements of transiting multiplanet systems allow us to understand the densities and compositions of planets unlike those in the solar system....
  • HIRES radial velocity follow up of HD 17156

    From the thousands of known exoplanets, those that transit bright host stars provide the greatest accessibility toward detailed system characterization. The first known such...
  • TESS-Keck Survey. XIII. TOI-1272 radial velocity

    We report the discovery of an eccentric hot Neptune and a non-transiting outer planet around TOI-1272. We identified the eccentricity of the inner planet, with an orbital period...
  • Archival radial velocities of HD 80606

    The transiting planet HD80606b undergoes a 1000 fold increase in insolation during its 111days orbit due to it being highly eccentric (e=0.93). The planet's effective...
  • NEID and HIRES radial velocity of TOI-1478

    The distribution of spin-orbit angles for systems with wide-separation, tidally detached exoplanets offers a unique constraint on the prevalence of dynamically violent planetary...
  • Radial velocity and astrometry for {mu} Arae

    With Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor astrometry and published and previously unpublished radial velocity measures, we explore the exoplanetary system {mu}Arae. Our...
  • Radial velocity, transit & occultation of WASP-4

    Orbital dynamics provide valuable insights into the evolution and diversity of exoplanetary systems. Currently, only one hot Jupiter, WASP-12b, is confirmed to have a decaying...
  • Chemical abundances for 15 extreme-velocity stars

    Little is known about the origin of the fastest stars in the Galaxy. Our understanding of the chemical evolution history of the Milky Way and surrounding dwarf galaxies allows...
  • Radial velocity study of {pi} Mensae

    {pi} Men hosts a transiting planet detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite space mission and an outer planet in a 5.7yr orbit discovered by radial velocity (RVel)...
  • Species abundances in WASP-77A

    Idealized protoplanetary disk and giant planet formation models have been interpreted to suggest that a giant planet's atmospheric abundances can be used to infer its formation...
  • HST WFC3/UVIS normalized light curve of WASP-43

    Optical reflected light eclipse observations provide a direct probe of exoplanet scattering properties, such as from aerosols. We present here the photometric reflected light...
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