Bilinguals are better than monolinguals in detecting manipulative discourse
There are 3 files, listed and described below. (A) Title: Dataset for monolinguals_Bilinguals are better than monolinguals in detecting manipulative discourse. Description: The... -
POLFIE-OT: an LFG grammar of Polish with OT marks
POLFIE-OT is a version of POLFIE, an LFG grammar of Polish implemented in the XLE system (Xerox Linguistic Environment), enriched with OT (Optimality Theory) constraints for the... -
POLFIE: an LFG grammar of Polish
POLFIE is an LFG grammar of Polish implemented in the XLE system (Xerox Linguistic Environment). POLFIE has been developed at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy... -
Irish National Morphology Database (ELEXIS)
Bunachar Gramadaí is a large collection of Irish words which records their inflected forms and linguistic properties. The database contains some 43,000 entries and covers nouns,... -
BNF Converter
The BNF Converter is a compiler construction tool generating a compiler front-end from a Labelled BNF grammar. -
Dutch homophonous verb forms in a spelling task
This dataset includes Dutch secondary school students' responses to a spelling test. A total of 259 students (200 of them were used in the analyses for the paper), from first... -
Matthias Kramer: Grund-richtig-Volkommene, doch kurtz gefaßte Nider-Teutsch-,...
Transcriptie van: Grund-richtig-Volkommene, doch kurtz gefaßte Nider-Teutsch-, oder Holländische GRAMMATICA, Für die jenige Hochteutsche Staats-, Handels- Kriegs- und andere... -
J.A.W. Schröder: Kleine holländische Sprachlehre, besonders zum Gebrauch für ...
Transcriptie van J.A.W. Schröder: Kleine holländische Sprachlehre, besonders zum Gebrauch für die deutschen Landschulen im Departement Ostfriesland, nach Weilands nederduitsche... -
Dutch homophonous verb forms in a combined grammar and spelling task
This dataset includes Dutch secondary school students' responses to a grammar and spelling test. A total of 322 students (272 of them were used in the analyses for the paper)... -
Dutch homophonous verb forms in a grammar task
This dataset includes Dutch secondary school students' responses to a grammar test. A total of 278 students (200 of them were used in the analyses for the paper), from first...