Permafrost-Region Lake-DOC version1 Database (PeRL-DOCv1)
The pan-Arctic Permafrost-Region Lake-DOC version1 database contains surface water samples of lakes in the permafrost regions of Alaska (49.3 %), Canada (24.2 %), Greenland (3.2... -
Phenotypic variation within and between species during early radiation stages
Recent radiations provide rare windows into the early stages of diversification. With the advent of second- and third-generation DNA sequencing technologies, it is now possible... -
Water chemistry and catchment parameters of streams located in three geograph...
The data contains epilithic biofilm, water chemistry, and catchment data for 28 streams in Greenland. 14 streams in Zackenberg (74°28'N, 20°34'W), between the 20th of August and... -
Bacterial sequence information wood colonization experiment during RV Meteor ...
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High variability in SSU rDNA gene copy number among planktonic foraminifera r...
Metabarcoding has become the workhorse of community ecology. Sequencing a taxonomically informative DNA fragment from environmental samples gives fast access to community... -
Bacterial sequence information for surface sediments of HAUSGARTEN during Pol...
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Amazonas soil chemistry - 64 elements
Motivated by previous largely absent high-quality soil chemical data, the samples were taken in parallel to repetitive soil respiration determinations at the same locations and... -
Individual and group behaviour of 6 isogenic lines of rainbow trout under mod...
The datasets are 1) the behaviour of six isogenic lines of rainbow trout in an individual behaviour challenge lasting 25 minutes at an early stage (182-187 days post-hatching).... -
Acute hyperthermia and hypoxia resistances of 6 isogenic lines of rainbow tro...
The datasets are 1) the resistance phenotypes of 6 isogenic lines of rainbow trout challenged to acute hypoxia stress at an early stage (182-187 days post-hatching), 2) the... -
Morphological and genetic data from Cnemidocarpa verrucosa sensu lato
The Southern Ocean is one of the most isolated marine ecosystems, characterized by high levels of endemism, diversity and biomass. Ascidians are among the dominant groups in the... -
Dugong microsatellite genotypes from around Thailand
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Mating of Lestes sponsa in northern, central and southern populations
Mating intensity of a temperate insect, the emerald damselfly Lestes sponsa. Experiments conducted under semi-natural field conditions along a latitudinal gradient covering... -
Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in prov...
Provenance tests are invaluable resources in forest genetics and ecology. They were originally established for seed sourcing research, but they are now also used for monitoring... -
Genetic, morphometric, and additional data for albacore tuna in the South-Wes...
Microsatellite dataset for albacore from GERMON project and additional information (geographic localisation, sex, fisheries, length, weight, and adult maturity). More detail:...