559 datasets found

Keywords: gamma ray astronomy

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  • Radio core dominance of Fermi/LAT-detected AGNs

    We present a sample of 4388 AGNs with available radio core-dominance parameters-defined as the ratio of the core flux densities to the extended ones, R=S_core_/S_ext._ - which...
  • Extragalactic linear polarization meas. agglomeration

    In the framework of the Standard Model Extension (SME), we present improved constraints on anisotropic Lorentz invariance and Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) violation by searching for...
  • Catalog of short gamma-ray transients

    We analyzed the data obtained by the SPI telescope onboard the INTEGRAL observatory to search for short transient events with a duration from 1 ms to a few tens of seconds. An...
  • gamma-ray properties of FR-Is and BL Lacs

    Our knowledge of Giga-electron volt (GeV) radio galaxies has been revolutionized by the Fermi-LAT Telescope, which provides an excellent opportunity to study the physical...
  • Sample of Fermi FSRQs

    The location of {gamma}-ray-emitting region in blazars has been an open issue for several decades and is still being debated. We use the Paliya et al. sample of 619...
  • Gamma-ray emitting jetted AGN

    We considered the fourth catalog of gamma-ray point sources produced by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and selected only jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN) or sources...
  • Blazars properties

    We analyzed the relationship between several basic parameters describing supermassive black holes such as jet power, black hole spin, accretion disk magnetic field, black hole...
  • GRB isotropic energy function

    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are brief, intense, gamma-ray flashes in the universe, lasting from a few milliseconds to a few thousand seconds. For short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) with...
  • gamma-ray spectrum for Fermi blazars

    The curvature of the {gamma}-ray spectrum in blazars may reflect the intrinsic distribution of emitting electrons, which will further give some information on the possible...
  • Sample of Fermi Blazars

    We study the {gamma}-ray luminosity and beaming effect for Fermi blazars. Our results are as follows. (i) There are significant correlations between {gamma}-ray luminosity and...
  • Doppler factor for a Fermi blazar sample

    We selected 457 blazars (193 flat spectrum radio quasars, 61 low-synchrotron peaked blazars, 69 intermediate-synchrotron peaked blazars and 134 high-synchrotron peaked blazars)...
  • {gamma}-ray Doppler factor for Fermi blazars

    Observations suggest that gamma-ray loud blazars are strongly beamed. The Fermi mission has detected many of blazars, which provide us with a good opportunity to investigate the...
  • Radio and {Gamma}-ray of MOJAVE-Fermi AGNs

    Within the MOJAVE VLBA programme (Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments), we have accumulated observational data at 15 GHz for hundreds of jets in gamma-ray bright...
  • GRB 141220A light curves

    We report the earliest ever detection of optical polarization from a GRB forward shock (GRB 141220A), measured 129.5-204.3s after the burst using the multicolour RINGO3 optical...
  • ML approach for GRB detection in AstroSat CZTI

    We present a machine learning (ML) based method for automated detection of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) candidate events in the range 60-250 keV from the AstroSat Cadmium Zinc...
  • Core-collapses supernovae host galaxies

    We present a comprehensive study of an unbiased sample of 150 nearby (median redshift, z = 0.014) core-collapse supernova (CCSN) host galaxies drawn from the All-Sky Automated...
  • Jet efficiencies and black hole spins in quasars

    The mechanisms responsible for the production of relativistic jets from supermassive black holes (SMBHs) accreting at near-Eddington rates are not well understood. Simple...
  • GRB hydrogen column densities

    It is known that the GRB equivalent hydrogen column density (N_HX_) changes with redshift and that, typically, N_HX_ is greater than the GRB host neutral hydrogen column...
  • Comparison between GRB afterglows and AT2017gfo

    Multimessenger astronomy received a great boost following the discovery of kilonova (KN) AT2017gfo, the optical counterpart of the gravitational wave source GW170817 associated...
  • The 2BIGB gamma-ray blazars catalog

    This paper presents the results of a {gamma}-ray likelihood analysis over all the extreme and high synchrotron peak blazars (EHSP and HSP) from the 3HSP catalogue. We...
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