Ecological and phenotypic trait dataset for 12 European forest tree species f...
GenTree is a European Union project financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (2016-2020). The goal of GenTree was to improve the status and use of European in-situ and ex-situ... -
Survival and growth of 711 forest tree taxa in eight French arboretums from t...
Abstract The dataset is checklist of 711 native and exotic forest tree taxa (species, subspecies and arieties) from 177 genera worldwide, their survival and growth in eight... -
Genotyping dataset for 12 European forest tree species from H2020 project Gen...
GenTree is a European Union project financed under the Horizon 2020 framework. The goal of GenTree was to improve the status and use of European in-situ and ex-situ forest... -
A study of wood, knots and bark extractives from oak and beech (EU) and Dougl...
The available database Wood_db-chemistry is the result of extracting interesting data by analysing already published scientific literature. The data provide information on...